Pharmacy type
Pharmacy context
Relevant standards
- 4.2 - Pharmacy services are managed and delivered safely and effectively
Why this is notable practice
The pharmacy team has a good working relationship with the team in the nearby medical centre. It uses this working relationship to share any concerns it has about vulnerable people, to help ensure they are safeguarded. The pharmacy team also pass on information to people about the services provided at the medical centre.
How the pharmacy did this
The pharmacy team had developed a good working relationship with the team at the medical centre, particularly the practice-based pharmacist. This enabled the team to liaise directly with the appropriate person at the medical centre when concerns about a person arose. For example, when a person using the pharmacy started to show early signs of dementia. On such occasions the pharmacy team members would share their concern with the team at the medical centre. This would trigger a visit to the person at home by the district nurse.
The pharmacy team had worked with the team at the medical centre to support some people who were in the early stages of dementia. Such as, supplying their medication in multi-compartment compliance packs. This had involved changing their supplies from monthly to weekly. And it meant the pharmacy team could monitor whether the person was taking their medication and liaise with the team at the medical centre when concerns arose.
Several people had asked the team if the pharmacy was providing the COVID-19 vaccination service. These conversations revealed some people were concerned about accessing the vaccination sites in the area as they were located some distance from the village and were difficult to reach without a car. Through conversations with the team at the medical centre the pharmacy team was aware that the service was provided from the medical centre on a Saturday morning. The team was than able to signpost anyone due to receive the vaccine who would struggle to travel to the bigger sites to the medical centre.
What difference this made to patients
Vulnerable people and those at risk of harm are supported through the effective working practices and communication between the pharmacy team and the team at the medical centre. This results in prompt responses when concerns arise and provides people with up-to-date information about local healthcare services.
Highlighted standards
We have identified the standards most likely and least likely to be met in inspections, and highlighted examples of notable practice for each of these standards; to help everyone learn from others and to support continuous improvement: