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Pharmacy inspections

Inspection reports and learning from inspections

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Pharmacy inspection reports

We inspect all pharmacies in Great Britain.

When our inspectors inspect pharmacies, they are looking for evidence that each of the standards for registered pharmacies [PDF 986 KB] are met. In this way, we provide assurance to patients and the public that they will receive safe and effective care.

Since January 2025 we have improved our inspection reports by making them more concise and accessible, enabling owners, registrants and the public to see the outcomes for each individual Standard as well as the overall inspection outcome more clearly. And we now visibly highlight any areas for improvement when a pharmacy is meeting the individual Standard but can still make further improvements.

Our approach to pharmacy inspections is also intended to help pharmacies improve the way they are run and the services they provide, the quality of care and the outcomes for patients and the public using their services.

Watch our ‘All about inspection’ video for an introduction to what happens during an inspection.

Follow this link to access a transcript of our 'All about inspection' video [PDF 149.49 KB]

Publication of inspection reports

We are publishing inspection reports from pharmacy inspections that take place from April 2019 onwards.

You can learn more about the process for publishing inspection reports on the main GPhC website.

Helping pharmacies to improve

Pharmacies which have not met one or more of the standards will also be asked to complete an improvement action plan setting out what action they are planning to take to improve against those standards. We will monitor progress to check the improvements are made and inspect again after six months to make sure the pharmacy is maintaining these improvements.

Inspection outcomes

After an inspection each pharmacy receives one overall outcome. This will be either:

Standards met The pharmacy has met all the standards for registered pharmacies
Standards not all met The pharmacy has not met one or more of the standards for registered pharmacies

Findings at principle level

The standards for registered pharmacies are made up of five principles. The pharmacy will also receive one of four possible findings for each of these principles. These are:

Standards met
Excellent practice The pharmacy delivers an innovative service, benefits the whole community and performs well against the standards
Good practice The pharmacy delivers positive outcomes for patients and performs well against most of the standards
The pharmacy meets all the standards
Standards not all met
The pharmacy has not met one or more standards

See our latest inspection reports

We regularly compile a list of all inspection reports as they are published.

See reports

Search across pharmacy reports

You can also search through our full database of reports to find reports that meet the criteria you choose.


Learning from inspections

Read our new report about what we have learnt from inspecting pharmacies over the last five years, including key themes, patterns and trends which impact on performance.

See report

Themed inspections

Themed inspections will involve visiting a selection of pharmacies to focus on specfic themes or issues in more depth.

See themed inspections