18/09/2024 |
Using shared medical records to support safe prescribing in community pharmacy |
Customer and patient focus, Efficiency of processes, Governance, Innovation, Outcomes for patients |
Principle 1. Governance, Principle 2. Staff, Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
1.6, 2.3, 4.2 |
The pharmacy uses shared medical records with its local GP surgery. This allows suitable checks to be made when deciding on prescribing the most appropriate treatment for people. And the pharmacy demonstrates how this results in positive outcomes for people using the pharmacy. |
29/04/2024 |
Effective pharmacy team working practices for the NHSE Pharmacy First service. |
Customer and patient focus, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach |
Principle 1. Governance, Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
1.1, 4.1, 4.2 |
The pharmacy is well prepared to provide the NHSE Pharmacy First service for people. It proactively puts measures in place and has good working practices to make sure people are properly referred to the pharmacist for a consultation. And to ensure it has the right medicines, readily available for people following a consultation. |
03/02/2024 |
Acting on feedback from people using pharmacy services to reduce queues and waiting times. |
Customer and patient focus, Efficiency of processes, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach |
Principle 1. Governance, Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
1.1, 1.4, 4.1, 4.2 |
The pharmacy reviews the way it provides its services in response to feedback and the action it takes provides a more efficient service for people. And it helps provide a quieter environment for team members to work to reduce the risk of error. |
19/10/2023 |
Reviewing pharmacy team members skills to support introducing new pharmacist-led services. |
Governance, Leadership, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach |
Principle 1. Governance, Principle 2. Staff, Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
1.1, 1.3, 2.2, 2.5, 4.2 |
The pharmacy reviews its team members skill mix before introducing new pharmacist-led services. It provides training for team members, so it can optimise the knowledge, skills, and experience of its team members when introducing these new services. |
19/10/2023 |
Proactively addressing the risks associated with the change of ownership of a pharmacy |
Customer and patient focus, Efficiency of processes, Governance, Leadership, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach, Responsiveness |
Principle 1. Governance, Principle 2. Staff, Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
1.1, 2.2, 4.1, 4.2 |
The pharmacy is due to change ownership. And the new owners are proactively preparing for the change to ensure continuity of care for people using the pharmacy. And they are supporting team members well during this transition. |
05/07/2023 |
Meaningful interventions through the NHS Discharge Medicines Service |
Added value, Customer and patient focus, Outcomes for patients, Responsiveness |
Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
4.2 |
The pharmacy has an effective system to identify and act on referrals from hospitals for the NHS Discharge Medicines Service (DMS). The pharmacy ensures the service is a core part of its daily activity. And its team make meaningful interventions through the service which benefit people recently discharged from hospital. |
05/07/2023 |
Supporting transfer of Medicines Care and Review serial prescriptions due to a pharmacy closing permanently |
Added value, Customer and patient focus, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach, Responsiveness |
Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
4.1, 4.2 |
The pharmacy plans well ahead for its permanent closure. There is a proactive approach to identifying people with MCR serial prescriptions needing to have these prescriptions dispensed at an alternative pharmacy. There is good engagement with people living in the local community, other healthcare professionals and pharmacies. |
28/01/2023 |
Using technology to provide a robust audit trail for medicine deliveries. |
Customer and patient focus, Efficiency of processes |
Principle 1. Governance, Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
1.1, 4.2, 4.3 |
The pharmacy has adapted its delivery service during the COVID-19 pandemic to help prevent the spread of the virus. The dellivery driver does not need a signature from people to audit the delivery, as the pharmacy uses technology to show that a delivery has been successful. And to show when it has been unsuccessful. This technology also provides an audit trail of the delivery address and the person accepting the delivery to resolve queries. |
28/01/2023 |
Collaborative working with other health services to provide access to Buvidal treatment |
Customer and patient focus, Efficiency of processes, Governance, Proactive approach, Responsiveness |
Principle 1. Governance, Principle 2. Staff, Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 4.2, 4.3 |
The pharmacy is working collaboratively with the local ‘Community Addiction Team’ CAT to provide continual access to Buvidal treatment, especially at short notice. The pharmacy communicates regularly with its wholesaler. This supports cost effective treatment and continuous access to the medicine. The pharmacy provides support and guidance to CATs, enabling them to strengthen governance arrangements associated with managing a Buvidal treatment service. And it identifies and manages the risks associated with the supply of Buvidal. |
28/01/2023 |
Achieving positive health outcomes by providing tailored health advice |
Added value, Customer and patient focus, Efficiency of processes, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach |
Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
4.2 |
Pharmacy team members take opportunities to advise people about their health and wellbeing. And they work effectively with people to help them achieve the best health outcomes. |
18/05/2022 |
The use of technology to enhance the efficiency and safety of delivery services. |
Added value, Customer and patient focus, Efficiency of processes, Governance, Innovation, Outcomes for patients |
Principle 1. Governance, Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
1.1, 4.2, 4.3 |
The pharmacy uses technology to enhance the safety and efficiency of its delivery service. The technology helps the delivery driver to prioritise the pharmacy’s deliveries while also finding the most efficient route to use. And the technology keeps the pharmacy team up to date with the status of each delivery. |
18/05/2022 |
Developing a rigorous clinical check procedure |
Customer and patient focus, Governance, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach, Responsiveness |
Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
4.2 |
The pharmacy rigorously checks all of its prescriptions against many relevant and up-to-date clinical reference sources to ensure that they are correct. And in particular it checks that the dose needed is appropriate and accurate. The pharmacy team directs all its queries directly to the appropriate clinician. And it only supplies the medicines once all queries are resolved. The pharmacy team gives detailed counselling to people to help ensure they take them safely and benefit fully from them. |
07/01/2022 |
Providing a counselling service for people who are prescribed methotrexate injections. |
Customer and patient focus, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach |
Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
4.2 |
The pharmacy supplies high-risk methotrexate injections to patients who have not taken these medicines before. The pharmacy team ensure the patient fully understands how to use their new medicine. And it checks that the person is administering their medicine safely prior to issuing a further supply. |
16/11/2021 |
Accurately timing the 15-minute post-vaccination observation period following a COVID-19 vaccination. |
Coronavirus (COVID-19) |
Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
4.2 |
The pharmacy is using a simple but effective way to reduce the risk of people leaving the premises prematurely following their COVID-19 booster vaccination. This ensures people remain for post-vaccination observations for at least 15 minutes. |
16/11/2021 |
Understanding how to sell over-the-counter codeine-containing medicines safely |
Customer and patient focus, Governance, Outcomes for patients |
Principle 1. Governance, Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
1.1, 4.2 |
The pharmacy assesses the risk of selling codeine-containing medicines. And it has safeguards in place to monitor the sales of these medicines. Pharmacy team members have a good awareness of the potential for misuse of these higher risk medicines. And they sell these medicines appropriately with additional advice. |
16/11/2021 |
Assessing people’s individual needs to make reasonable adjustments to the way that their medicines are supplied |
Added value, Customer and patient focus, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach, Responsiveness |
Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
4.2 |
The pharmacy carries out a thorough assessment of the patient’s needs when a multi-compartment compliance pack is requested. This helps to identify the most appropriate adjustment, which is not necessarily a compliance pack. The assessment is documented, and the patient is monitored, and compliance is reviewed to ensure the adjustment is appropriate and effective. |
16/11/2021 |
Identifying and addressing risks associated with a third-party delivery service |
Added value, Customer and patient focus, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach, Responsiveness |
Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
4.2 |
Risk assessments are used to identify and manage the risks associated with supplying medication using the courier service. And by doing this the pharmacy mitigates the risks identified by introducing appropriate measures. |
09/10/2021 |
Implementing the GP Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS). |
Added value, Customer and patient focus, Efficiency of processes, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach, Responsiveness |
Principle 2. Staff, Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
2.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 |
The pharmacy works proactively with GP surgeries to seek the best outcomes for people referred through the NHS GP Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS). Pharmacists apply their knowledge and expertise to assess whether a person would benefit most from an over-the-counter medicine or require a prescription medicine. |
09/10/2021 |
Using automation to support the safe and efficient preparation of multi-compartment compliance packs. |
Efficiency of processes, Governance, Innovation, Responsiveness |
Principle 1. Governance, Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
1.1, 1.2, 4.2, 4.3 |
The pharmacy invests in automation to support the pharmacy team in assembling compliance packs. The system is risk assessed regularly and has in-built safety checks to reduce the risk of human error. |
23/08/2021 |
Additional screening questions to help identify and prevent fainting during the COVID-19 vaccination process |
Coronavirus (COVID-19) |
Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
4.2 |
The pharmacy uses a screening process to help identify people who are experiencing vaccine related anxiety. This means team members are available to support people who may be at an increased risk of fainting when attending for their COVID-19 vaccination. |