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Pharmacy inspections

Inspection reports and learning from inspections

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Safe supply of medication

Pharmacy type


Pharmacy context

The pharmacy is located in a hospital and it dispenses approximately 3000 internal outpatient items per month. The pharmacy does not dispense private prescriptions and does not have an NHS contract. The team also provide over the counter medicines to the public. Dispensing services are provided to a varied, predominantly elderly and paediatric patient group, and the majority of prescriptions are for ocular or paediatric treatment.

Relevant standards

  • 4.3 - Medicines and medical devices are: obtained from a reputable source; safe and fit for purpose; stored securely; safeguarded from unauthorized access; supplied to the patient safely; and disposed of safely and securely

Why this is notable practice

Systems are in place and are widely used to ensure that patients understand their medicines and they are provided in a formulation appropriate for their needs.

How the pharmacy did this

Appropriateness of the formulation prescribed was routinely checked with patients as they handed in their prescriptions and adjustments were made by staff to meet the patient's needs, for example changing a solid dosage form to liquid if possible to ensure the prescribed medicines could be taken or administered. A patient's allergy status was also checked when handing in a prescription and staff took into account information such as lactose intolerance when deciding the most appropriate formulation to provide to the patient.

What difference this made to patients

The pharmacy team checks that prescriptions meet the needs of patients prior to their preparation, to ensure that patients receive the right medication.

Highlighted standards

We have identified the standards most likely and least likely to be met in inspections, and highlighted examples of notable practice for each of these standards; to help everyone learn from others and to support continuous improvement:

  1. 1.1 Risk management
  2. 1.2 Reviewing and monitoring the safety of services
  3. 4.2 Safe and effective service delivery
  4. 4.3 Sourcing and safe, secure management of medicines and devices
  5. 2.2 Staff skills and qualifications