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Pharmacy inspections

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Working with another pharmacy to strengthen continuity planning for staff absence

Pharmacy type


Pharmacy context


Relevant standards

  • 1.1 - The risks associated with providing pharmacy services are identified and managed

Why this is notable practice

The pharmacy is new, having only been open a week. It recognises that dispensing volume is unknown and likely to grow quickly. It is ensuring that pharmacy services will not be disrupted due to staff absence and (or) increasing workload during the COVID-19 pandemic.

How the pharmacy did this

The pharmacy’s directors had discussed contingency for staff absence and the potential for a large increase to the pharmacy’s dispensing volume during the COVID-19 pandemic. Consequently, it held discussions with the owner of a small group of pharmacies locally. The two pharmacy businesses had planned for the new pharmacy to ask for support from staff from the other pharmacies if needed. This gave the pharmacy access to additional pharmacists and other suitably trained and qualified team members, when they might need it.

What difference this made to patients

The contingency arrangements ensures people continue to receive their medicines. And it avoids people being let down or losing confidence in the new pharmacy.

Highlighted standards

We have identified the standards most likely and least likely to be met in inspections, and highlighted examples of notable practice for each of these standards; to help everyone learn from others and to support continuous improvement:

  1. 1.1 Risk management
  2. 1.2 Reviewing and monitoring the safety of services
  3. 4.2 Safe and effective service delivery
  4. 4.3 Sourcing and safe, secure management of medicines and devices
  5. 2.2 Staff skills and qualifications