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Pharmacy inspections

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Pelton Pharmacy (9011935) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy does not always manage its confidential information properly or dispose of its confidential waste securely. This could result in people’s personal information being disclosed.

Review and update SOP's.

Ensure consultation room is always kept locked whilst not in use and any confidential patient identifiable information is stored out of sight from public view.

A new working shredder to be purchased for the pharmacy for confidential waste disposal as per standard operating procedures.

All staff to be retrained in all aspects of information governance (IG), patient confidentiality related issues and the safety/security of patients data handling and storage. These procedures are to be implemented immediately.

Learning to be shared group wide within all branches and staff members.

27/09/2023 04/10/2023

The pharmacy does not always ensure that it enrols its staff on the appropriate training in a timely way.

All permanent staff to be enrolled on to the appropriate pharmacy training courses.

Pharmacy staff to review guidance regarding roles and responsibilities during the absence of a responsible pharmacist within the premises.

27/09/2023 04/10/2023