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Goodwill Pharmacy (9011624) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy doesn’t adequately manage risks with all its services. The pharmacy supplies Schedule 2 controlled drugs against prescriptions which are not legally valid. Consultation notes for the prescribing and aesthetic services lack basic information. The pharmacy’s prescribing policy does not cover all the prescribing services and the pharmacy has not conducted any risk assessments for its prescribing and aesthetic services.

Risk Management for Services
Risk management will be implemented as directed by NPA and RPS.
RPS English Competency Framework 3.pdf (
CD Schedule 2:
Only FP10CD forms will be received and submitted monthly as advised by our CD officer.
No other controlled drug prescriptions will be accepted by Goodwill (FP10 forms will not be received).
Goodwill will NOT encourage acceptance or dispensing of CD prescriptions moving forward.
Consultation Notes:
Details of consultation have been improved and applications are being used (ePMR) to ensure that key details for every patient is noted and stored electronically. A similar system is being used to store appropriate details for aesthetics clients too.
Risk Management for Aesthetics:
Different assessments are carried out and now recorded (general assessment, medical assessment, psychiatric assessment). This information is managed electronically.


The pharmacy cannot demonstrate that it audits its prescribing service adequately to ensure its processes are effective at keeping people safe.

Audits: Audit guidance given by RPS will be followed to ensure our prescribing audits are adequate:


The pharmacy does not appropriately maintain all its records including its controlled drug and private prescription records.

Maintaining Records: Records are up to date and entered into the appropriate record in a timely manner as per the MEP.


The pharmacy cannot show that all prescriptions supplies are safe and legal. And the prescriber cannot demonstrate how she makes decisions about the treatments she prescribes, or why she prescribes medicines.

Safety and Legality of prescriptions:
Prescribing will be within the areas of competency.
Prescriptions will be generated electronically now and will meet the legal general prescription requirements standards set by MEP.
Competencies will be clearly stated. National Guidelines (CKS/NICE) will be followed when treating patients.
RPS English Competency Framework 3.pdf (
Documents will be made clear using new processes and systems in place.
Differential diagnosis will be made clear, as will diagnosis.
