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Pharmacy inspections

Inspection reports and learning from inspections

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Newbridge Pharmacy (9011609) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy’s standard operating procedures are not up to date, and they contain some inaccurate or obsolete information. The team members have not been properly trained on the pharmacy’s procedures, and they do not know how to complete some basic tasks. And the team does not consistently report and learn from near misses and dispensing incidents.

SOPs are now up to date and staff are
currently reading through them on a daily
basis and signing each SOP.

The near miss folder has now been set up and entries have been made already by staff and are being monitored by the SI to improve learning outcomes.

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The pharmacy's CD records, RP record and private prescription records are not always accurate. And the pharmacy cannot clearly demonstrate that all supplies of medicines are safe and legal.

CD Balance checks are now been conducted regularly whenever dispensed so that any
discrepancies are monitored and resolved immediately. And discrepancies reported to
accountable officer if necessary.
CD reporting `tool has been used and a reply has been received to say the case is closed and improvements in communication has been recommended and implemented. To further improve CD entries, pharmacy has signed up for an electronical cd balance register.

RP sign in and out done daily. All RP advised to print RP notice on display
when required.

Authenticity of private prescriptions are being checked upon arrival by using the GMC register online using the advanced checks, as
well and conversations with the insurers NPA for further support and guidance. All regular private prescribers have been informed to provide private prescriptions or signed orders meeting all the

Thee NPA have further given guidance on up to-date information regarding private prescriptions and the requirements with EU prescriptions

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The pharmacy does not store and manage some of its medicines appropriately. It does not effectively manage CDs or waste medicines. And it does not store some stock medicines in their original packaging or in containers with appropriate labelling.

All stock which was not in the original
container have been removed (if expiry and batch number are not present on the bottle).

Staff are aware that patient returned
medicines should be disposed in the waste disposal area as per SOP. Patient returned CD are stored and marked
clearly in cd cupboard and entered in patient returned CD Log sheet.
Expired CD are marked clearly and when appropriate the accountable officer is contacted for disposal.

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