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Pharmacy inspections

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The French Pharmacy (9011483) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy does not adequately maintain the records it needs to by law. Responsible pharmacist logs and private records are incomplete. Original prescriptions are not always obtained and retained as they should be. And the pharmacy does not properly document supplies of unlicensed medicines.

Record keeping procedures have been reviewed and updated.
Pharmacists reminded to document the correct information such as pharmacist leaving time, specials records and information obtained from doctors when appropriate.
Systems now in place to make sure prescriptions only dispensed when received confirmation that the original is on the way.

07/07/2021 23/06/2021

The pharmacy's insurance arrangements do not cover professional indemnity.

Insurance obtained via Numark insurance services.

07/07/2021 18/06/2021

The pharmacy does not source some of its medicines through appropriate channels.

Stopped supplying medicines obtained from unauthorised overseas supplier. Sourcing UK registered suppliers for future orders.

07/07/2021 23/06/2021