Standard not met | Reason | Action being taken by the Pharmacy | By when | Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made |
1.6 | The pharmacy does not properly maintain all the records it needs to. These include the private prescription register, emergency supply and records of unlicensed medicines supplied. |
The pharmacy will review SOP’s regarding |
27/09/2024 | 22/10/2024 |
2.2 | Some pharmacy team members are not suitably trained or enrolled on training courses appropriate for their role. |
The course providers have been contacted for the relevant staff members to be trained according to requirements |
27/09/2024 | 22/10/2024 |
3.1 | The pharmacy team do not clean or maintain the pharmacy to make sure it is a suitable environment for the services being provided. |
The cleaning rota has been reviewed and all staff members have been briefed on following the rota and educated on the importance of cleanliness. Additional cleaning areas have been added to the cleaning rota which include above shelves and below dispensing worktops. A builder has been booked in to fix boards to the bottom of the dispensary units to stop medication falling under the units. |
27/09/2024 | 22/10/2024 |
4.3 | The pharmacy does not always store and manage its medicines appropriately. It doesn't have a robust process to check for expired medicines. And there is evidence of out-of-date medicines on the shelves. The pharmacy does not have a robust process to deal with patient-returned medicines. And it cannot show that it always stores medicines which require refrigeration appropriately. |
All SOP’s have been reviewed by the SI. All staff members have read and signed the relevant SOP’s and will have their own sections for a weekly or fortnightly date check. All patient returned medication will be kept in a separate part of the premises and will be disposed of in a timely manner. All staff have been briefed to store all relevant medication |
27/09/2024 | 22/10/2024 |