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Pharmacy inspections

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New Health Supplies Ltd (9011219) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy is not identifying and managing all the risks associated with its services. The pharmacy does not have the full range of standard operating procedures (SOPs) in place to provide effective guidance to its team members. There is no evidence that all of the current team has read the pharmacy's SOPs.

We have prepared a New up to date SOP .
We made sure that staff read through it, understand it and know how to access information when needed.
After going through the SOP, staff will sign and date it.

14/02/2023 07/03/2023

The pharmacy team does not have a robust process in place to continually assess, review or monitor the safety and quality of the pharmacy's services. Staff are not routinely recording all the details about near-miss mistakes, and there is limited evidence of review, remedial activity or learning occurring in response to mistakes.

We will actively record all the near misses and the actions taken in a log

14/02/2023 07/03/2023

The pharmacy has no procedures to safeguard the welfare of vulnerable people. There is no SOP to provide guidance to the team, staff cannot demonstrate how to safeguard the welfare of vulnerable people and there are no local contact details of relevant agencies if concerns require escalating.

- A new SOP regarding patient’s safeguarding has been added.

- Staff are enrolled in an accredited adult Safeguarding course.

- Local safeguarding authority contact details have been made available for staff to use them when necessary.

14/02/2023 07/03/2023

The pharmacy's team members do not fully know or understand their role(s) or the activities that can take place in the absence of the responsible pharmacist (RP). The team has been opening and running the pharmacy in the absence of the RP. The superintendent pharmacist does not fully understand her role or accountability in ensuring the safe and effective running of the pharmacy.

- We have downloaded the RP requirements from PSNC and printed it. It has been attached on the wall for staff and owners to be aware off

-We have discussed in a meeting the limited work pharmacy staff can do when the responsible pharmacist is not present. Staff can do administrative work like answering phone calls from care homes , shredding confidential papers.

14/02/2023 07/03/2023

The pharmacy is not fully protecting the privacy, dignity and confidentiality of people who receive its services. There is no specific guidance for the team on data protection. Members of staff are also using other people's NHS smart cards and share passwords.

On-site shredder is used on regular basis to destroy confidential documents.
Smart card password reset was done. Member of staff are using their relevant smart card only when they are working at the premises.

14/02/2023 07/03/2023

The pharmacy team does not have the appropriate skills, qualifications and competence for their role and the tasks they carry out. The pharmacy is not meeting the GPhC's ‘Requirements for the education and training of pharmacy support staff’ as all the members of the pharmacy's current team have been working at the pharmacy for longer than three months and are undertaking tasks without being enrolled on accredited training appropriate for this. This includes the pharmacy owners.

The staff members including the owners have been enrolled in an accredited training programme called Dispensing Assistance course through NPA.

14/02/2023 07/03/2023

The pharmacy's management of its medicines is inadequate. The pharmacy does not have any documented or electronic procedures in place to provide guidance on how to manage the pharmacy's stock. Team members cannot show that they have been consistently checking medicines for expiry. Significant quantities of medicines are present as loose blisters or poorly labelled when removed from their original containers.

- We have created a log for date check .
-We are marking Medicine boxes with short expiry dates for attention when dispensing.
- Medicines which are not in original containers are packed in a box or bottles with clearly written expiry date and batch number.

14/02/2023 07/03/2023