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Pharmacy inspections

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Treated Pharmacy (9010946) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy is not able to demonstrate that the prescribers it works with from the third-party websites have appropriate indemnity insurance cover.

For third party websites we will review the indemnity of prescribers and ensure that the indemnity meets the relevant cover requirements in order to meet this standard.


People in non-UK countries can purchase medicines including contraceptives without providing proof of their name, address or their age, which is a safeguarding concern.

Work is underway to develop satisfactory processes which meet this standard.


The pharmacy’s website and the third-party websites are arranged so that a person can choose a prescription only medicine (POM) and its quantity before there has been an appropriate consultation with a prescriber. The third-party websites have inadequate information about their prescribers and the pharmacy.

1. Development of new patient pathway was already underway at the time of inspection. Implementation of changes to meet this standard are in testing phase to ensure patient safety. Examples of patient pathway web pages were provided post-inspection highlighting the changes to be made to the service.
2. Third party websites have been asked to ensure the required information about their prescribers and pharmacy is available to patients.
