Standard not met | Reason | Action being taken by the Pharmacy | By when | Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made |
1.1 | The pharmacy does not identify key safety risks associated with providing its services. It has allowed its professional indemnity insurance arrangements to lapse. This puts people using the pharmacy's services at risk if something was to go wrong. And the pharmacy provides no assurance of the written procedures in place for its team members to follow. |
All members of the team are re-trained on the SOPs. The SOP folder is now kept in the dispensary available to everyone when needed. We have taken our insurance from a leading provider. The provider is going to email us the reminders to renew our policy and they are also going to send us paper reminders in the post at appropriate time. |
04/11/2021 | 04/11/2021 |
1.2 | The pharmacy does not have robust processes to monitor adverse safety events. It doesn’t encourage its team members to record details of mistakes made during the dispensing process. And pharmacy team members are not aware of the steps to take when managing a dispensing incident. |
Every member of the team is re-trained on SOP “Near Miss”, “Customer Complaints” and “Dealing with an Incident”. All near misses and incidents will be recorded appropriately, reviewed periodically and available for the |
04/11/2021 | 11/11/2021 |
4.2 | The pharmacy does not consider all of the risks associated with managing its services safely, including providing medicines in multi-compartment compliance packs. It does not consider the stability of medicines when supplying them in this way. And does not appropriately label the medicines with the date of supply. |
Regarding stability of medicines we are going to follow instructions as per manufacturer's advice. Every member of the team is re-trained on SOP 9 – “ Selection, Labelling and We have spoken to the care homes and now blister packs have got labels with the |
04/11/2021 | 04/11/2021 |
4.3 | The pharmacy has inadequate management arrangements for storing some of its medicines. It does not store all stock medicines safely in their original packaging. And it does not always store higher risk patient returned medicines as it should. |
All the loose medicines have been destroyed immediately, we only use the original pack now. Each member of team was retrained and make sure all medicines are kept in the original pack. We have got SOP for “Controlled Drugs: Collection and Disposal of Patient Returns”. All members of staff have been retrained for all SOPs including this one. We have also amended this SOP to include 7 days of limit to destroy all patient returned control drugs. Team members will follow this SOP and appropriately label and store these medicines. |
04/11/2021 | 11/11/2021 |