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Pharmacy inspections

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Newline Pharmacy (9010517) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

Pharmacy team members do not store some medicines according to the law. And, they do not regularly follow procedures to check the expiry date of medicines. So, they have out of date medicines stored on the shelves. This means they may supply medicines to people that are not fit for purpose.

Revised SOPs are in place for both Dispensary stock and counter stock. Both SOPs are attached for your reference. These SOPs are operational and all the concerned member of staffs are informed and trained.

One off Date Checking event

The team has agreed to arrange a one-off date checking session which will be carried out by the whole team on Saturday 24th August after work for few hours making sure all the stock (Dispensary and shop) is in date and short expiry date stock is highlighted and noted for further action. This will help us to set a new fresh base to start our regular weekly date checking process as per our new SOP.

Since last inspection the whole team been notified to be an extra vigilant while checking the prescriptions and making sale of GSL and POM medicines.

Dispensary stock: The RP (Regular Pharmacist and Locums) has been informed to make sure they will be checking the expiry date of dispensed products while performing accuracy check.

Counter Stock: All the staff been informed to make sure they check the expiry date for medicines while making sale to customers/patients.

24/09/2019 07/10/2019