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Pharmacy inspections

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Evercaring Pharmacy (1116378) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy does not effectively audit the safety of its prescribing services.

Enhance and enrich the existing audits
with further data fields as a team.
Implement quarterly meetings so that audits and reviews can be considered.
Audit prescription data to identify risks,
issues and emerging trends, and monitor compliance with the SOPs to check they are being followed. Audits
might occasionally trigger a review of services,
systems or procedures or identify a need for
additional training which should be documented.


The pharmacy does not keep private prescription records as required by law. Clinical record keeping is insufficient as it does not contain enough information to justify prescribing decisions.

Private prescription record - make an interface and
display the following fields from the master data
to create a compliant prescription record interface
that is readily available:
• Supply date
The date on which the medicine was sold or
• Prescription date
The date on the prescription
• Medicine details
The name, quantity, formulation and strength
of medicine supplied (where not apparent from
the name)
• Prescriber details
The name and address of the practitioner
• Patient details
The name and address of the patient.

Clinical records (stored in order notes):
Notes made for confirmation of ID checks
completed, medical history, include details of
what was or was not prescribed and why. If
prescribing is outside the scope of the service,
then the rationale for this will be explained.
Intervention. Other communication should be
included and actions should be attributable to the
person making them.


There are insufficient safeguards in place to make sure that all online supplies of prescription medicines are appropriate. The procedures in relation to the prescribing service are not always followed. This means risks are not effectively identified and some supplies of medicines might not be appropriate.

Review of individual SOPs for each condition to ensure risks are adequately identified and
addressed and there are sufficient safeguards in
place for each medicine. SOPs should outline individual responsibilities so these are
clear to everyone. Ensure team members are
trained to carry out their responsibilities.
Individual risk assessment completed for each treatment supplied.


The pharmacy team members lack experience and they have limited access to additional professional support. Customer services team members are not trained for the role they undertake and they are not supervised by a pharmacist.

Customer services to be supervised by the
pharmacist and trained by RP. Ensure they keep
to their Job Description through regular reviews.
Provisional registrant to have continued
supervision from SI.
Form a feedback loop that allows easier flows of
communication and information.


The pharmacy's website allows people to select a prescription only medicine (POM) before the consultation with a prescriber. The website does not contain sufficient information about the prescriber,including their qualifications and their location, to enable patients to make an informed choice. Both of pharmacy’s websites use unprofessional terminology and contain some misleading information.

Information on the website will be clear and easy
for people to find and understand. Remove any
unprofessional terminology on website.
The website will include the name of the
prescriber and the address of the prescribing
service: the prescriber's registration number and the
country they are registered in, whether the prescriber is a doctor or a nonmedical
independent prescriber – for example a
pharmacist, nurse or physiotherapist, and include information about how to check the registration
status of the prescriber.


The pharmacy does not always obtain enough information to make sure supplies of prescription medicines are safe and appropriate. The pharmacy's prescriber sometimes operates outside the scope of the service. And the pharmacy does not proactively share relevant information with other health professionals involved in the care of the person or make sure that appropriate monitoring is in place, when supplying prescription medicines such as asthma inhalers. This means people's use of medicines may not be appropriately controlled and their ongoing condition might not be properly monitored.

Obtain authoritative information from SCRs
about patients. Take more explicit consent –
move the consent from general terms and
conditions to being shown more explicitly on the
order page.
Inform patients on the order page that their GPs
will be informed.

Add more questions on the consultation
forms to get more information from the patients
such as more free-type options.
Avoid prompted answer to questions for
important questions.

Any deviation from policy or scope of pharmacy
service will be investigated and documented. This
would be included in SOPs.

Improve direct contact with the pharmacist through the
phone, Introduce a IVR menu item to connect to the pharmacist based on clinical

Hire additional staff to reduce our answering times and make changes to the IVR if
the waiting times do not improve to allow a call
back facility.
