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Pharmacy inspections

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Pickfords Pharmacy (1116066) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy does not always store and manage its medicines as it should and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. And it does not have robust processes including for date checking to ensure medicines remain fit for purpose and safe to supply.

1. Removal of medicines from original packaging and stored loosely on shelf or containers without labels
- Staff have been told not to do this and why
- Notices will be put up in various areas of the dispensary and multi-compartment compliance pack area upstairs to ensure staff adhere to this (incl locums)
- Staff to reinforce verbally to locums on a day-to-day basis

2. Multi-compartment compliance pack assembly and checking will be moving to the compliance pack hub.
- This will reduce the number of patients who will have their compliance packs made at the branch meaning less need to de-blister tablets/capsules thus reducing the risk of medicines being removed from their original packaging.
- New SOPs will be used by staff at this point when compliance pack hub is used.

3. Date checking
- A date checking rota has been re-introduced, which will be monitored to check that it is being completed weekly ( branch weekly task checklist in place to support with this)

4. Liquid medicines
- Staff have been told to annotate shelf lives on bottles once opened at time of opening and why
- Staff to reinforce verbally to locums on a day-to-day basis

5. Fridge temperature
- Daily temperature logs are to be used and where outside the range, action taken straight away (branch daily task checklist in place to support with this)
- Staff retraining and care on how the temperature controls should be used.

20/04/2023 20/04/2023