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Pharmacy inspections

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Riverside Pharmacy (1111449) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy fails to identify and manage the risks associated with the provision of its services. The pharmacy has not reviewed its written procedures since 2015 and the pharmacy team have not read them. The pharmacy’s records that it must keep by law are not complete or accurate. And it does not check its CD stocks regularly. This means it may not be aware if mistakes have been made.

SOPs to be reviewed, update and resigned by all staff – to include robot dispensing SOP.

Every year at yearly appraisals staff will be asked to read and resign SOPs as part of appraisal – this will ensure SOPs are up to date.

18/02/2020 04/08/2020

The pharmacy’s records that it must keep by law are not complete or accurate.

RP logs updated with missing entries.

This has been added to staff daily task list – to prompt pharmacists and provide 2nd check.

Previously this was done when the 100hour log was completed online – we will return to a regular weekly check.

CD balances checked and verified, and any missing entries entered.

A rota system has been added into make sure staff are completing balance checks. Regular balance checks are now in place – with a notices on all registers and CD cabinets to remind staff to do this.

With the superintendent regularly checking.

18/02/2020 04/08/2020

The pharmacy team sometimes leaves tablets in unsealed compliance packs. This could affect the quality of the medicines. Some controlled drugs are not stored in accordance with legal requirements. So there is more risk of them being lost or stolen. The pharmacy does not have a robust date-checking procedure. This could increase the chance that expired medicines are supplied to people.

All trays to be sealed at point of completion.

Large trays to be dispensed by dispenser and pharmacist as they are dispensed to avoid errors.

We have also spoken to the local surgeries to try and ask for prescriptions earlier to give us more time to prepare the trays so the pharmacist has ample time in checking them.

18/02/2020 04/08/2020

The pharmacy doesn’t keep records of the actions it takes in response to safety recalls. It was unable to show that it takes the right actions to protect people's health and wellbeing.

Pharmalerts printed and kept in folder not just email in box.

Printed and signed by all staff.

18/02/2020 04/08/2020