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Quantum Pharmacy (1111188) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy does not suitably identify and manage the risks associated its services. It does not have responsible pharmacist standard operating procedures (SOPs) which are required by law. Pharmacy staff do not know which activities cannot be carried out in the absence of the Responsible Pharmacist. And other key SOPs related to the pharmacy's business are missing. The pharmacy does not carry out appropriate written risk assessments before the pharmacy makes a major change to its operational processes, such as its delivery service.

The Quantum Pharmacy Risk assessment template has now been copied to the Quantum Pharmacy SOP folder and staff made aware.

Responsible Pharmacist and activities that can be carried out in the absence of a RP SOP has been added to the pharmacy SOP and staff made aware.

Quantum Pharmacy makes a risk assessment using its risk assessment template in conjunction with discussion with the relevant member of staff before making any adjustment to SOPs. However the risk assessment in the future will be retained as evidence rather than discarding it once the decision has been made on how to proceed.

The SI is in correspondence with the GPhC's premises team to update the web address on NHS Services.

ALL recalls reported to Quantum Pharmacy will be forwarded to care homes.

All staff will be required to sign a declaration by 23-07-2024 that they have read and understood all the changes that have been put in place. A copy of the declaration will be sent to the GPhC once completed.

19/08/2024 19/08/2024

The pharmacy does not always support its team members to complete essential training for the roles in which they are working. Several of the pharmacy's team members do not have the appropriate qualifications for the role that they are undertaking, nor are they are working towards a qualification.

Quantum Pharmacy carries out in-house training for all staff involved in the dispensing process according to their role.

The management is now in discussion with its entire staff regarding their training requirements both for legal reasons and their future progress in the pharmacy.

19/08/2024 19/08/2024