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Pharmacy inspections

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Rana Dispensing Chemist (1097587) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The risks associated with providing safe pharmacy services are not adequately identified and managed. SOPs are out of date, and the pharmacy has not maintained previous improvements, such as recording of near miss errors.

SOPs - a standard set has been ordered. These will be reviewed and updated as required. The pharmacy team will then read and sign them as evidence of training.
Near misses - logged and recorded. Discussed regularly.
Attention given to pharmacist hours to ensure they are sufficient to meet patient need.


Responsible pharmacist, controlled drug and specials records are not always maintained appropriately.

Folder for specials with patient and supplier details as required.
RP log to be completed fully.
Controlled drug registers to be reviewed and completed fully (as per standard 4.3)


The pharmacy does not always store and supply medicines safely. People in the at-risk group who are prescribed valproate do not receive adequate information about their medicine. And the pharmacy needs to make improvements to the way it manages controlled drugs and out of date medicines.

CD's - critical review and handling of CDs with regular stock checks. Prescriptions and invoices separated and checked again by another staff regularly.
CD's - Full balance check to be done and owner will inform the CDAO of any CD stock issues by Monday of next week (25 July).
High risk medicines identified, separated on shelf and information discussed.
Dispensing and checking boxes to be signed to take ownership of work.
NHS cards to access the computer to be obtained for all pharmacy staff.
