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Pharmacy inspections

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Bliss Pharmacy (1093221) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy cannot sufficiently demonstrate that it has appropriately considered the risks associated with its prescribing service. It has not done a risk assessment for this service. And it has not appropriately considered the risks of not informing the person's regular prescriber when prescribing medicines for conditions which require ongoing monitoring.

-Carry out a full risk assessment for prescribing service and review annually.
-Implement physical consent forms or via clinic software where patient provides their regular prescriber details and whether they give permission for us to contact them or not.
-In the cases where they do not consent to us contacting their prescriber, we would have to justify our reasoning to prescribe if we do so and record this on their medical record.
-Share information with the patient’s regular prescriber if a prescription has been established via email or letter, which includes the medicine prescribed, the length of treatment provided, new allergies or adverse reactions, any new assessments, and any monitoring requirements.
-Ensuring that there is an up-to-date prescribing policy on site, detailing PIP’s scopes of practice, areas of practice the pharmacy will prescribe for, medicinal formularies and ongoing training certificates and evidence.

09/11/2023 12/12/2023

The pharmacy cannot sufficiently demonstrate that it monitors the safety and quality of its prescribing service, for example by undertaking regular clinical audits.

-Carry out a clinical audit every 3 months, checking to see if there are any prescribing patterns and identifying to see if there are any risks.
-Carry out a clinical audit by selecting a small sample size of patients who were prescribed medicines for high-risk conditions to assess any patterns and ensure that PIP’s are prescribing within their scope of practice.
-Carry out a full risk assessment for prescribing service and review annually.
-Ensuring that there is an up-to-date prescribing policy on site, detailing PIP’s scopes of practice, medicinal formularies and ongoing training certificates and evidence.

23/11/2023 01/12/2023

The pharmacy does not always make appropriate consultation records for its prescribing service, so it is harder for it to demonstrate why a prescription was issued.

-Implement consultation and clinic notes software, where all consultation notes will be entered and stored electronically.
-Ensure that a full consultation record will be entered onto the software, in the format that will be provided as improvement evidence to GPhC.
- Ensure that adequate assessments are made prior to deciding on prescribing and recorded on the system.
- Ensure that sufficient information regarding the patient’s medical history or previous medical examinations are acknowledged through evidence provided which will be recorded in their medical record on the clinic notes software.
-If patient is unable to provide any evidence of their medical history or does not consent to us contacting their regular prescriber then we would have to justify our decision to prescribe, which will be documented onto the patient’s medical record.

09/11/2023 07/11/2023