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Bliss Pharmacy (1093221) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy does not consistently keep and maintain records of clinical decisions. And it does not always ensure that the records in the private prescription register are accurate or complete.

Record keeping for all prescribing notes/Medical decisions will be entered into the PMR, which will automatically be stored electronically. Part of our monthly prescribing review will be random checks on each other’s notes and Prescribing decisions. Notes will be made on desktop for any poor record keeping and/or insufficient information.
Random checks on the Private Prescription register for accuracy of information will also be done during end of month prescription filing, any missing data will be updated. Lack of accuracy will result in accountability of the RP on duty at time of dispensing.

23/03/2020 27/05/2020

The pharmacy does not properly review its prescribing services to make sure that they are safe for people to use. The prescribers keep their consultation notes separate from each other. So, they cannot easily access all the information they need to about previous consultations with people. And it this could make it harder for them to review the prescribing.

At the end of each month the regular in-house Prescribers will review each other’s prescriptions (Independent and supplementary) and make notes on desktop about any trends, prescribing patterns and potential harm which may happen to people using our prescribing service.
We have merged all our consultation notes together for easier accessibility. There is now only 1 Folder which contains all consent forms.
Furthermore, all prescribing notes and decisions will be entered into the PMR (electronically). This way all information about previous consultations with people can be easily accessed. This will also make it easier for us to review our prescribing service.

23/03/2020 27/05/2020

The pharmacy does not identify and manage all the risks involved with its service. For example, people are prescribed a wide range of medicines and there are not always audit trails to support the decision to prescribe. And the pharmacy does not undertake any risk assessments of the prescribing service.

Risk assessment carried out in relation to the prescribing of high risk drugs. This will include all compulsory monitoring of patient parameters recorded on the PMR and patients are given information packs to take away with them.
Moreover, all prescribing notes are to be entered electronically on PMR, this way Prescribers will have direct access to previous consultation notes and prescribing decisions. This will include independent and supplementary prescribing.

23/03/2020 08/06/2020

The pharmacy does not always provide its services safely. It provides its services without always having reliable audit trails for them. It does not always fully complete patient records on all occasions and notes made are not always available to the prescriber for follow-up visits

Prescribing notes and decisions will be electronically stored on the PMR. This way all notes made will always be available to all prescribers for future supplies and for follow up reviews, these notes will have complete consultation carried out with patient along with decisions made for prescribing.

Moreover Our monthly prescribing service reviews will ensure that all patient records are completed when patients are prescribed medication on-site.

23/03/2020 27/05/2020