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Pharmacy inspections

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Bliss Pharmacy (1093221) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy cannot show that it keeps medicines that need cold storage at the right temperatures. This could mean that these medicines are not safe to use.

Contacted Shoreline, the manufacturers of the fridge, and they stated to reset the Min/Max twice daily, upon opening and before closing. I and my Pharmacist colleague will be keeping an eye on the max readings. Shoreline have told me that if the fridge alarm is not being set off then the fridge is returning to <8’C within 15 minutes. Shoreline have also told me that an engineer will be dispatched if the Max readings are above 8’C by the 15/07/19. We will continue to monitor this fridge (twice daily, upon opening pharmacy and closing pharmacy) and will contact shoreline by the 15/07 to dispatch an engineer if need be. So far all the readings since resetting the fridge has been reading within range.

19/07/2019 21/06/2019