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Pharmacy inspections

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Cameolord Ltd (1091123) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy does not adequately maintain all of the records that are needed by law. Controlled drugs records are incomplete and unreliable. Responsible pharmacist records are incomplete. The pharmacy is not able to produce its records of private prescriptions or emergency supplies.

Fridge temperature daily monitoring has been allocated as a task for the store team and a briefing taken place.
Responsible pharmacist records will be kept up to date as above.
Re emphasising to all staff and pharmacists the importance of checking name and address has been implemented with this action plan.
The private prescription book is available for future inspection when required.

03/12/2019 11/11/2019

There are no reliable audit trails to show who was responsible for dispensing a medicine. Running balances of medicines are not effectively monitored. There are no reliable procedures in place to record or review mistakes.

A briefing has taken place with all locum pharmacists and regular pharmacists about the importance of logging in through the RP system and ensuring an effective signature is on all medication.
The RP notice has been made more prominent in the store.
A structure has been put in place for all running balances be recorded and to be checked weekly by the regular pharmacist and any errors noticed corrected or reported accordingly. A second pharmacist has been recruited to start on 18th of November which will bring a greater level of accountability and structure to the store pharmacy team.
The near miss log was located and put in place with a briefing to the store

03/12/2019 11/11/2019

Medicines are not always stored in accordance with safe custody regulations. Prescription forms are not always retained with dispensed medicines awaiting collection.

A new medicine storage system will be developed with the pharmacy team that meets the requirements for the prescription to be with or in a retrieval system near to the medication.
The existing safe will be used to store Methadone when the dispensary is left empty by the pharmacists

03/12/2019 11/11/2019