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Pharmacy inspections

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Core Pharmacy (1089881) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy does not have enough clear floor space to allow team members to work comfortably. The number of boxes stored in the dispensary presents a significant tripping hazard for team members.

Facilities Team to visit store with local contractors to assess any physical works required for interim improvements and potential options for storage of tote boxes.
Portfolio team to review all potential options such as refit, extension or relocation to assess viability. Proposal to be taken to November Property Board for decision

Establish if order delivery time can be changed for the store to receive delivery before opening at 8.30am.

Store to review model day and process for unpacking order upon receipt.
• Unpack the order as a matter of priority.
• Transfer any totes containing OTC stock into the shop upon receipt.
• Scan Central Fulfilment packs to shelves as soon as possible

Escalate activity to sign patients up to the text messaging service to promote timely collection of medication and reduce the number of bags waiting collection stored on shelves

Ensure that Best in Class retrieval management process is completed weekly to reduce the number of uncollected bags

Enquire whether the GP surgery have a suitable location to store empty tote boxes until collected at next delivery.

30/10/2019 21/02/2020