1.1 |
The pharmacy does not effectively manage the risks associated with its services. It doesn't complete effective due diligence checks when working with third party providers. And it does not obtain sufficient assurances that the prescribers it dispenses prescriptions for are completing consultations in a safe manner. |
1. Pharmacists when adding any new prescribers onto the PMR system will check that the registrations are live and valid. This will act as a double check to any previous registration approval. One of our Pharmacists has already been doing this, it is in our SOP, but we will go through another training module to reinforce this. 2. As part of our registration process, customer services will add an expiry date to all user accounts based upon their registration renewal date (e.g. GMC has an annual registration date listed). Our IT team will make the system generate an automatic prompt (daily at 2am) for us to undertake a manual registration check when any registration dates expire. If the registration has not been renewed, customer services will suspend the account. 3. Facesconsent have given us access to their registration section. This is a dashboard where we can assess all prescriber registration information. They also have a date expiry system to monitor registrations. 4. Regarding consultation checks, we will add a declaration to each prescription that the prescriber will have to state when the patient consultation took place. If this has not been declared, our Pharmacists will not dispense the prescription. 5. New SOP’s will be made for CRM (Zoho) and goods-in. 6. RP logouts can be done through the PMR system, we will update our SOP and do a training module to enforce this. |
21/03/2024 |
20/03/2024 |
4.3 |
The pharmacy does not have suitable systems in place to manage pharmaceutical waste or monitor storage temperatures of some of its stock medicines and medical devices. |
1. Prescriptions that do not have specific dose instructions will not be dispensed, we will contact all prescribers to make sure that this is always the case. 2. Our website has always had a maximum limit of 4 packs per item for POMs. 3. The Pharmacy is looking to expanded in its current location to create more space. 4. We have been checking stock dates by rotating old stock to front, and doing monthly stock takes, however it has not been formally recorded (apart from updating our CRM stock levels). We will implement a date-checking matrix which will be done manually on a monthly basis for all stock. Any items found to be within 3 months of expiry will be labelled with a sticker so that they are obvious. Each check will be recorded. Our CRM will also be able to generate automated expiry alerts from the data received during goods-in. 5. We do have a waste disposal system, we are quarantining stock in a clinical waste bin and then utilising a local pharmacy to dispose. However, we will now of course set up a contract of our own with a pharmaceutical waste company. 6. Both rooms have ventilation units. These are CQC standard 20 air changes per hour, and not just hollow vents. These were installed to mitigate the windowless issue. We will use thermometers to record room temperatures daily, the AC unit temperature will be adjusted accordingly. 7. Recalls by the MHRA can be traced by our CRM system. All batch details (lot/ expiry/ quantity) are entered by our goods in process, and thus can be traced. |
21/03/2024 |
20/03/2024 |