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Pharmacy inspections

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West End Pharmacy (1084040) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy did not keep accurate records for the responsible pharmacist. This does not meet current legal requirements and the pharmacy may not be able to show who a pharmacist was at a certain point in time.

The NPA RP paper log to be filled out daily. As a prompt the log will be kept out overnight on the dispensary bench in a prominent position to complete am & pm on entering & leaving the pharmacy. Dispensers to monitor when locums are working.

31/12/2019 08/01/2020

The pharmacy does not have a reliable programme to check the expiry dates of its stock. And there are expired medicines on the dispensary shelves. Stock medicines are not always labelled with all of the information required by law, such as expiry dates and batch numbers. This may increase the risk of error. A number of P-medicines were available for self-selection in the retail area. So sales may not always be appropriately controlled.

A new cleaning & date checking matrix for the dispensary to be implemented with the use of stickers. Short dated stock to be logged into a diary and be pulled and destroyed beginning of each month. The whole dispensary to be broken down into segments & at least one hour per week allocated for cleaning & date checking. During quiet times continue and all staff to implement and randomly check dates especially unusual items. Aim to check & clean the whole dispensary every 3 months and keep this on a rolling basis. VP & RP to check fridges & CD cupboards. Avoid any loose medicines or strips if necessary have expiration dates & batch numbers in large print. All P-meds pulled from self-selection & relocated behind counter

31/12/2019 08/01/2020