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Pharmacy inspections

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Norlington Chemist Ltd (1040083) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy does not always keep people's personal information appropriately secure.

Patient’s personal data is only handled on slips of paper when patients present for their prescriptions. Only date of birth and surname is on the slip. After the prescriptions have been located the slips of paper are securely placed in the confidential waste bin then destroyed.
Our queue barrier belt is being re-installed again this week. Once set up again this will prevent members of the public from encroaching to the dispensary. Furthermore dispensed prescriptions left on the shelf shall be turned facing the direction of the dispensary. This will ensure patient confidential data is kept secure.

28/02/2024 28/02/2024

The pharmacy does not always identify or manage the risks associated with all its services. It does not have suitable risk assessments for its prescribing service.

Governance 1.1- Risk assessment to be conducted on all aspects of prescribing service. This will be achieved by doing clinical audits on the prescribing. Additionally, consultations for the private prescribing service will be done electronically. CloudRx has been provisionally been selected for this role. SOPs for safer prescribing services to be developed and implemented. Informacist our SOP developers will be contacted for this. Additionally, a review of our dispensary will be carried out to ensure appropriate physical barriers are restored to demark the shop floor and the counter assistant area. Following the report of the inspection a full risk assessment will be taken out.
Hand written labelled bottles have stopped. Instead the Methadone is dispensed with the label from the PMR system. If a patient does not attend the pharmacy for their Methadone then the record is deleted and no entry is made on the controlled drugs register. The system of hand written labelled bottles was put into place, as it was mistakenly believed that dispensing records could not be edited/deleted on our PMR system.

28/02/2024 18/03/2024

The pharmacy does not properly review or monitor risks associated with its prescribing service.

Clinical prescribing audits will be introduced. This would be developed with the new SOPs on prescribing. The SOPs would outline steps for safer prescribing such as verification of patient, medication reviews and medicines that are more likely/have a potential to be abused.

28/02/2024 18/03/2024

The pharmacy does not keep all the records it needs to correctly. This includes records for controlled drugs and the prescribing service.

Private Prescribing consultations will be stored electronically, as mentioned earlier. We are hoping CloudRx will be sufficient for this. CD record keeping has been improved since last visit. The discrepancies have been accounted for and moving forward only one CD record book will be attributed to each CD product. Mitigating the risk of errors.

28/02/2024 28/02/2024

Some pharmacy team members are not suitably trained or enrolled on training courses appropriate for their role.

All permanent members of staff have been enrolled on suitable courses. One of our dispensers will be doing the pharmacy technician course. We hope to have her starting the buttercups technician course very soon. Our newest counter assistant is being enrolled on the medicines counter assistant course.
With all our other registered pharmacy staff, CPD reviews will be encouraged and carried out monthly alongside the monthly pharmacy meetings.

28/02/2024 28/02/2024

The pharmacy does not always provide its services safely. It does not maintain clear records for its prescribing service and has limited processes in place to safely supply higher-risk medicines.

CloudRx will be used to mitigate the risks within the private prescribing service. Additionally, as previously mentioned our newest SOPs on prescribing will be implemented.
All dispensed CDs medicines will have a CD sticker placed on the bag of the dispensed prescription to ensure medicines.

28/02/2024 28/02/2024