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Pharmacy inspections

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Sidhu's Pharmacy (1038539) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy does not adequately maintain its records including the responsible pharmacist log, controlled drug (CD) registers and private prescription records. Entries are not always completed within the appropriate timeframe. This means that the pharmacy cannot always demonstrate what has happened in the event of a query.

The missing entries from the RP log
have been entered. The RP log is
placed in an area where it is easily
seen, and all pharmacists have been
reminded that it is their duty to sign
in and out.

The backlog of prescriptions
and invoices have been entered into
the CD register. The CD register is
completed daily by the responsible
pharmacist and all pharmacists are
reminded to complete entries in a
timely manner. A regular balance check is conducted by the regular

The backlog of private prescriptions
has been entered into the private
prescriptions book. All staff members
know how to enter private
prescriptions into the book. The
importance of entering private
prescriptions in a timely manner has
been highlighted to all staff members.
Private prescriptions are kept in a
folder to ensure records are
appropriately maintained.

13/02/2024 30/01/2024