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Buzz Doctor Pharmacy (1038394) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

There are some risks with the pharmacy's prescribing service that it does not always adequately identify and manage. For example, how people receiving medicines for long-term conditions are going to be appropriately monitored, and when people are prescribed medicines which can be misused or abused. The pharmacy also doesn't always have its written procedures available on the premises.

Prior to consultation, consent is taken from the patient to be able to access their SCR if needed for ongoing care. If a drug is prescribed that needs monitoring, then we will arrange a follow up and the patient is advised on this. This is advised to all patients, as safety netting/aftercare. In addition, as part of the safety netter/aftercare advice, all patients are advised to follow up with their GP. Also, SCRs will be accessed more often to ensure robust and safe prescribing.

08/06/2022 17/05/2022

The pharmacy doesn't adequately monitor the safety and quality of its prescribing services, for example by doing regular clinical audits.

We will aim to complete bi-yearly prescribing audits – if the consultation load increases, then we will increase the number of audits and review our prescribing patterns, e.g. quarterly

08/06/2022 17/05/2022

The way the pharmacy advertises itself both from its premises and online has the potential to mislead people using the pharmacy that there is a medical doctor onsite. And its website does not contain all the required information.

Initially Buzz Doctor clinic, was designed to have various practitioners providing consultations e.g. GPs, ANPs etc. This is why the advertisement included such advertisements and we have CQC registration. However as the business progressed, business plans have changed and any changes that need to be made have/arranged to be:
Online – amended as advised. Any additional information that was required e.g. superintendents name, practitioners name – done.
Outside signage – signage contractors have been advised that the ‘online doctor’ etc on the outside sign needs to be changed. We are waiting for appointment.
Leaflets and business cards have also been amended and sent for print. We have actioned all from our side and will have await for contractors to complete the required tasks

08/06/2022 17/05/2022

The pharmacy does not always provide its services safely, particularly its prescribing service. It does not routinely inform people's regular prescriber after they receive treatment for conditions which require ongoing monitoring, or for medicines which are liable to misuse or abuse. The pharmacy also assembles multi-compartment compliance packs before a prescription has been received, which increases the risk of mistakes happening.

Buzz Doctor apologies for this oversight. Consultations with specific follow up or where additional investigation was needed, these consults were emailed to the GP surgery, or a copy provided to the patient on their request to provide to their GP. However, we have now changed our practice. Separate folders have been created and discharge/consultations are emailed to the surgery on a regular/scheduled basis

08/06/2022 17/05/2022

The pharmacy does not have a robust system to appropriately deal with safety alerts and recalls.

Apologies for oversight, we were under the impression that we had signed up to the MHRA alert emails. On discussion with our team and looking into this matter, we realised that an alternative/pilot email address was used. We have now registered our email with the MHRA. Once all/any members of the team have read this, and actioned as appropriate, this is placed into the appropriate folder online.

08/06/2022 17/05/2022