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Eason Pharmacy (1037115) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy does not always keep a record of the consultations that it completes for the supply of repeat medication to people when using the prescribing service. It does not retain evidence of people's usual doctor being notified that the service has been accessed or a prescription issued.

There is now (implemented a few days after the visit) an online system where all
consultation records are stored, including
those on pharmoutcomes.

Information about GP notifications are noted on this and it enables cross referencing to find where the written prescription is stored

27/09/2024 16/09/2024

The pharmacy does not document the risks associated with its prescribing service. There is no evidence of the mitigating actions that have been taken to help deliver the service safely. It does not have a prescribing policy available to help make sure the service is provided safely and effectively.

A general risk assessment has been written for the prescribing service and is in place. Risk assessments will be written for each separate service detailing the specific risks associated with that service.

Regular audits will be implemented to ensure the service is safety run.

A prescribing policy will be written based on the RPS guidelines

11/10/2024 16/09/2024