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Pharmacy inspections

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Jayplex Dis.Chts (1035681) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

Overall, the pharmacy fails to identify and manage all the risks associated with the provision of its services.

The pharmacy now has a current standard operating procedures which staff members are currently going through.

Near miss tracker log has been put in place. Staff are being made aware of the need to fill out the near miss log as a learning curve and to minimize errors. Staff have been made aware of look alike sound alike drugs. Monthly reviews of the near-miss log has been put in place to monitor trends and patterns.

During the dispensing process, CD prescriptions with a 28 days validity are being highlighted and the expiry date of the prescription is written on top of the prescription.

Weekly CD balance checks have also being put in place

20/02/2023 20/02/2023

The pharmacy does not maintain all the records it needs to provide assurance that the services are run safely.

All staff have now being made aware that when receiving patient returns, they should check with the customer if there are any controlled drugs . If there are any controlled drugs, the controlled drugs register for patient returns need to filled and it will be destroyed as soon as possible by the pharmacist and a member of staff a a witness.

Date checking process is now in place, most of the store has been date checked and documented.
The store has been divided into 10 sections and a section will be checked weekly.

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The pharmacy fails to store all its medicines in a manner that is suitable for the risks associated with them.

All prepared CD medication including methadone awaiting collection are stored securely in the CD cupboard awaiting collection.

The pharmacy is in the process of purchasing a new CD cabinet and a fridge in other to store medicines safely.

Opened medication bottles now have a date of opening on the bottle.

20/02/2023 20/02/2023