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Pharmacy inspections

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Targett Chemist (1032947) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy is not able to show that it has standard operating procedures to support the safe running of the pharmacy.

Standard operating procedures are in place. They are documented, the staff have read, understood and signed them.

07/02/2020 21/02/2020

The pharmacy does not always ensure that people’s personal information is adequately protected, as some records are not kept secured at the pharmacy.

Internal adjustments have been made to ensure that people’s personal information is protected and records are kept secure.

07/02/2020 21/02/2020

The pharmacy does not have all the records available which are required by law, so staff cannot comply with their legal obligations to complete these in a timely manner.

All records required by law are available on the premises. The staff can discharge their legal obligations to complete these in a timely manner.

07/02/2020 21/02/2020

The pharmacy does not ensure that fire exits are kept clear and there are significant trip hazards in some staff areas of the premises.

Fire exits are kept clear and trip hazards are removed

07/02/2020 21/02/2020

The pharmacy cannot show that medicines which need cold storage are stored properly. This makes it more difficult for the pharmacy to know that the medicines are safe to use. The pharmacy does not always keep medicines in containers which are properly labelled. This may increase the risk that date checks or product recalls are not effective.

The fridge log is now in place and fridge temperatures taken on a daily basis.
Any medicines which are not properly labelled have been removed from the shelves. All medicines are properly labelled and a date checking system and product recall system are in place.

07/02/2020 21/02/2020