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Pharmacy inspections

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Karsons Pharma (1032675) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy does not always identify the risks associated with its prescribing service. It does not carry out risk assessments for this or have procedures or diagnostic pathways.

The pharmacy will document the risk assessments that have taken place for the prescribing service.

The pharmacy will document a diagnostic pathway document that includes procedures for identifying and managing differential diagnosis or red-flag symptoms.


The pharmacy does not review the risks associated with its prescribing service.

The pharmacy will conduct regular reviews to audit compliance with risk assessments.


The pharmacy does not have systems in place to ensure the quality and appropriateness of its private prescribing service.

The pharmacy will conduct regular audits to drive and document improvement in the quality of the prescribing service
