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Medix Pharmacy (1032309) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy does not adequately identify and manage the risks associated with the provision of medicines to people overseas. It has not fully assessed the risks associated with this service. It cannot show that it undertakes adequate checks to make sure that processes delegated to other parties protect the health and wellbeing of patients. And some of the supplies it makes do not comply with current UK law.

• The pharmacy supplies veterinary prescription only (POM-V) medicines against prescriptions written by a non-RCVS qualified practitioner (to overseas patients). This is unlawful.

• The pharmacy supplies human licensed prescription only medicines (POMs) for animals against prescriptions by a non-RCVS qualified practitioner (to overseas patients). This is unlawful.

• The pharmacy cannot demonstrate how the identities of patients are checked.

• The pharmacy cannot demonstrate that there are adequate processes to ensure higher-risk medicines, including methotrexate and misoprostol, are supplied safely.

Conditions Imposed

27/08/2019 15/11/2019

The pharmacy cannot show how it monitors the safety of the prescriptions it dispenses to ensure the medicines provided are safe for the patient they are sent to. It relies on another organisation to do these checks. And the pharmacy cannot show how it has satisfied itself that these checks are always made. It does not make records of the checks made.

Conditions Imposed

27/08/2019 15/11/2019

The pharmacy does not make accurate or complete records about the supplies it makes of prescription-only medicines to patients overseas. Its records do not comply with UK law. The pharmacy cannot always show what it has dispensed for people overseas. And it does not keep delivery records to show what it has sent to people overseas.

Conditions Imposed

27/08/2019 15/11/2019

Pharmacy professionals involved in the supply of medicines overseas do not fully understand their responsibilities or accountabilities. The superintendent pharmacist is relying on other organisations to carry out professional checks to make sure that the medicines the pharmacy supplies are safe and appropriate. But the pharmacy cannot show that these checks are undertaken appropriately.

Conditions Imposed

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The pharmacy does not have adequate systems to safeguard the welfare of vulnerable people overseas who receive its services.

Conditions Imposed

27/08/2019 15/11/2019

Some of the information provided to the public about the pharmacy and its services on the website is misleading. For example, but not exclusively, the MHRA link implies that the website is owned by the pharmacy.

Conditions Imposed

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The pharmacy does not label medicines for people overseas with all the information required. The pharmacy doesn’t always undertake appropriate professional checks to ensure supplies of medicines are lawful and safe to make. And the pharmacy does not keep adequate records, so it cannot show what it has supplied or what has been delivered.

Conditions Imposed

27/08/2019 15/11/2019

The pharmacy cannot show that it has stored medicines which require cold storage correctly.

We will record daily minimum and maximum fridge temperatures.

We will be moving to paper documentation rather than using the PMR version.

27/08/2019 15/11/2019