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Pharmacy inspections

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Nutan Pharmacy (1031339) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy does not always protect people’s personal information.

A full and thorough review will be undertaken on how the Pharmacy protects people’s personal information.
-Any people’s personal confidential information held in the consultation room will be moved to a secure location in the dispensary or destroyed should the information be no longer be required.
-No patient confidential information will be stored in the consultation room with immediate effect.
-Any people’s personal information that is not required for record keeping will be placed in a confidential waste bin.
This will be regularly emptied into the unit which is removed for off-site shredding and document destruction.
This company (‘Shred-It’) collects confidential waste on a monthly basis and provides a certificate of destruction.
These certificates of destruction are kept as a record to ensure the pharmacy is complying with protecting people’s personal information.
-Any returned medication or items containing people’s personal information will be stored securely.
Any patient confidential information will be removed from the items and destroyed by placing this in the confidential waste bin.
-Staff will be re-trained on best practice to ensure the pharmacy continually protects people’s personal information.
-An audit will be undertaken in 3 months time to evaluate the above actions and to help

09/12/2019 14/01/2020

The pharmacy does not have an adequate date-checking routine and does not always keep medicines in appropriately labelled containers. This could increase the risk of people getting medicine which is past its 'use-by date'. The pharmacy does not store medicines which need cold storage properly. This makes it more difficult for the pharmacy to know that the medicines are safe to use. It does not always store its medicines in accordance with relevant legislation. This makes it harder to show that they are kept securely.

-A date checking matrix will be created with staff members briefed on how to maintain a satisfactory date checking routine.
-Stickers will be bought to highlight medications that have a short expiry date.
This will help to protect patients from receiving a medication which has expired.
-The dispensary shelves will be diligently re-organised with more care and any medication found not stored in its original container will be destroyed.
-An engineer will be called out to repair/replace the existing fridge which has a faulty temperature display.
In the event that a new replacement fridge is required, this will be purchased.
-The procedure to check the fridge temperature will be carefully reviewed.
Staff will be briefed on best practice.
An audit of the temperature record cards will be completed on a monthly basis.
This will ensure medicines that need cold storage are safe to use.
-An audit will be undertaken in 3 months time to evaluate all of the above actions and to help identify whether any further improvements can be made.

09/12/2019 14/01/2020