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Pharmacy inspections

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Mastaa-Care Chemist (1031153) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy cannot show that it records or reviews mistakes that happen during the dispensing process. This makes it harder for team members to learn and improve the safety of the pharmacy’s services.

-RPS ‘near miss error log’ template now used to record near misses & the dispensary staff trained on how to complete these
-Near misses are now recorded every time they happen. These will be reviewed monthly to identify any trends and determine any avoidable contributing factors to these errors

24/12/2019 21/01/2020

The pharmacy does not always carry out a thorough date check to ensure expired medicines are removed from the shelves. And this increases the risk that people get medicines which are past their ‘use-by’ date.

-Date checking matrix created
-Thorough date check completed w/c 22/11/2019 and matrix filled out
-All expired stock removed from the shelves and those near to expiring are marked with a red dot to warn dispensary staff

24/12/2019 22/11/2019