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Pharmacy inspections

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Winton Pharmacy (1030529) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy does not keep accurate records of its controlled drugs.

A comprehensive CD balance has been undertaken and many discrepancies addressed. The outstanding discrepancies have been sent to NHS CD reporting website and email confirmation of receipt has been received. A regular fortnightly CD balance is undertaken aside a running balance.

23/05/2022 06/05/2022

The pharmacy does not keep adequate records of its mistakes.

The culture discussed with both inspectors on how to make mistakes less blaming has been implemented and pharmacy staffs are learning from any mistakes made. Records are kept via dated near miss log.

23/05/2022 04/05/2022

The pharmacy's standard operating procedures are not reviewed regularly.

Since the inspection all the SOPs have been reviewed and brought up to date.

03/08/2022 09/05/2022

The pharmacy does not effectively review or monitor the cold chain storage procedures. And it also stores some unpackaged medicines without adequate labelling.

A daily fridge temperature is undertaken and recorded only onto the fridge record sheet.

23/05/2022 25/04/2022

The pharmacy team members do not always make the appropriate interventions on their prescriptions, and they do not ensure all medicines are labelled accurately.

This has been addressed by discussing with all staffs to bring to the attention of the pharmacist any required interventions and dispenser to ensure all medications are labelled clearly with PIL included for broken bulk.

23/05/2022 05/05/2022