03/02/2024 |
Providing team members with resources to support effective person-centred care. |
Added value, Customer and patient focus, Proactive approach, Responsiveness |
Principle 2. Staff, Principle 4. Services, including medicines management, Principle 5. Equipment and facilities |
2.2, 2.4, 4.1, 5.1 |
Pharmacy team members have immediate access to current resources to support them in having meaningful interactions with people using the pharmacy’s services. The resource library supports team members in working safely and supports a culture of ongoing learning. |
03/02/2024 |
Preparing for the NHSE Pharmacy First service |
Customer and patient focus, Efficiency of processes, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach, Responsiveness |
Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
4.1 |
The pharmacy is well-prepared for the launch of the new NHSE Pharmacy First service. And it assesses and addresses the risks and barriers to providing a safe and efficient service well. It works in partnership with local stakeholders to help the service run smoothly for the people using it. |
13/12/2023 |
Using the pharmacy's business continuity plan to support people's access to medicines in severe weather |
Added value, Customer and patient focus, Efficiency of processes, Innovation, Leadership, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach, Responsiveness |
Principle 1. Governance, Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
1.1, 1.8, 4.1 |
There is a proactive and patient-centred approach to business continuity planning that ensures people have access to pharmacy services during periods of adverse weather. The pharmacy team proactively uses its pharmacist’s prescribing skills to help people access their medicines. And it engages well with other health care professionals and the local health board to help support people’s needs during an emergency. |
19/10/2023 |
Proactively addressing the risks associated with the change of ownership of a pharmacy |
Customer and patient focus, Efficiency of processes, Governance, Leadership, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach, Responsiveness |
Principle 1. Governance, Principle 2. Staff, Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
1.1, 2.2, 4.1, 4.2 |
The pharmacy is due to change ownership. And the new owners are proactively preparing for the change to ensure continuity of care for people using the pharmacy. And they are supporting team members well during this transition. |
05/07/2023 |
Meaningful interventions through the NHS Discharge Medicines Service |
Added value, Customer and patient focus, Outcomes for patients, Responsiveness |
Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
4.2 |
The pharmacy has an effective system to identify and act on referrals from hospitals for the NHS Discharge Medicines Service (DMS). The pharmacy ensures the service is a core part of its daily activity. And its team make meaningful interventions through the service which benefit people recently discharged from hospital. |
05/07/2023 |
Supporting transfer of Medicines Care and Review serial prescriptions due to a pharmacy closing permanently |
Added value, Customer and patient focus, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach, Responsiveness |
Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
4.1, 4.2 |
The pharmacy plans well ahead for its permanent closure. There is a proactive approach to identifying people with MCR serial prescriptions needing to have these prescriptions dispensed at an alternative pharmacy. There is good engagement with people living in the local community, other healthcare professionals and pharmacies. |
15/05/2023 |
Identifying and offering additional pharmacy services to make every contact with people count. |
Customer and patient focus, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach, Responsiveness |
Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
4.1 |
The pharmacy identifies opportunities to provide additional services for people. And it works proactively with GP surgeries to help seek the best outcomes for people in the local community. This helps reduce pressures on NHS services. |
28/01/2023 |
Collaborative working with other health services to provide access to Buvidal treatment |
Customer and patient focus, Efficiency of processes, Governance, Proactive approach, Responsiveness |
Principle 1. Governance, Principle 2. Staff, Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 4.2, 4.3 |
The pharmacy is working collaboratively with the local ‘Community Addiction Team’ CAT to provide continual access to Buvidal treatment, especially at short notice. The pharmacy communicates regularly with its wholesaler. This supports cost effective treatment and continuous access to the medicine. The pharmacy provides support and guidance to CATs, enabling them to strengthen governance arrangements associated with managing a Buvidal treatment service. And it identifies and manages the risks associated with the supply of Buvidal. |
28/01/2023 |
Promoting a culture of openness and honesty through sharing learning when things go wrong |
Governance, Leadership, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach, Responsiveness |
Principle 1. Governance, Principle 2. Staff |
1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 2.4 |
The pharmacy encourages its team members to act openly and honestly when things go wrong. It does this by sharing learning through regular team briefings and by supporting its team members to contribute ideas designed to reduce risk. |
18/05/2022 |
Developing a rigorous clinical check procedure |
Customer and patient focus, Governance, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach, Responsiveness |
Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
4.2 |
The pharmacy rigorously checks all of its prescriptions against many relevant and up-to-date clinical reference sources to ensure that they are correct. And in particular it checks that the dose needed is appropriate and accurate. The pharmacy team directs all its queries directly to the appropriate clinician. And it only supplies the medicines once all queries are resolved. The pharmacy team gives detailed counselling to people to help ensure they take them safely and benefit fully from them. |
07/01/2022 |
Promoting the return of unwanted medicines. |
Proactive approach, Responsiveness |
Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
4.1, 4.3 |
The pharmacy’s team members provide people with information on the risks of disposing of medicines inappropriately. And they inform people about the importance of returning unwanted medicines, including used inhalers, to the pharmacy for safe disposal. |
19/11/2021 |
Applying safeguarding learning to practice |
Customer and patient focus, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach, Responsiveness |
Principle 1. Governance |
1.8 |
Pharmacy team members engage in training related to identifying and reporting safeguarding concerns. They have a good understanding of the many types of safeguarding concerns which they may come across. And they act to manage these types of concerns appropriately to help protect vulnerable people. The pharmacy works with other safeguarding agencies to help promote awareness of key safeguarding issues. |
19/11/2021 |
Failing to maintain controlled drug running balances and investigate discrepancies. |
Governance, Lack of key knowledge and a failure to learn, Responsiveness |
Principle 1. Governance, Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
1.1, 1.6, 4.3 |
The pharmacy does not always manage its high-risk controlled drug medicines as it should. It does not act appropriately when discovering a balance discrepancy within its controlled drug register. And it does not follow due process to investigate and account for the discrepancy. It does not identify the risks which come from this poor controlled drug management. And there is also an absence of shared learning to help prevent similar adverse events from happening again. |
16/11/2021 |
Effectively using near miss records and regular reviews to reduce the risk of mistakes being made. |
Customer and patient focus, Governance, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach, Responsiveness |
Principle 1. Governance, Principle 2. Staff |
1.1, 1.2, 2.4 |
The pharmacy has effective processes for reviewing any mistakes it makes. And it takes action to prevent them from happening again. Team members reflect on whether the learning and improvements from previous reviews have been sustained. And they continue to look for new ways to improve the safety and effectiveness of the pharmacy’s services. |
16/11/2021 |
Assessing people’s individual needs to make reasonable adjustments to the way that their medicines are supplied |
Added value, Customer and patient focus, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach, Responsiveness |
Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
4.2 |
The pharmacy carries out a thorough assessment of the patient’s needs when a multi-compartment compliance pack is requested. This helps to identify the most appropriate adjustment, which is not necessarily a compliance pack. The assessment is documented, and the patient is monitored, and compliance is reviewed to ensure the adjustment is appropriate and effective. |
16/11/2021 |
Identifying and addressing risks associated with a third-party delivery service |
Added value, Customer and patient focus, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach, Responsiveness |
Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
4.2 |
Risk assessments are used to identify and manage the risks associated with supplying medication using the courier service. And by doing this the pharmacy mitigates the risks identified by introducing appropriate measures. |
09/10/2021 |
Implementing the GP Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS). |
Added value, Customer and patient focus, Efficiency of processes, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach, Responsiveness |
Principle 2. Staff, Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
2.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 |
The pharmacy works proactively with GP surgeries to seek the best outcomes for people referred through the NHS GP Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS). Pharmacists apply their knowledge and expertise to assess whether a person would benefit most from an over-the-counter medicine or require a prescription medicine. |
09/10/2021 |
Using automation to support the safe and efficient preparation of multi-compartment compliance packs. |
Efficiency of processes, Governance, Innovation, Responsiveness |
Principle 1. Governance, Principle 4. Services, including medicines management |
1.1, 1.2, 4.2, 4.3 |
The pharmacy invests in automation to support the pharmacy team in assembling compliance packs. The system is risk assessed regularly and has in-built safety checks to reduce the risk of human error. |
23/08/2021 |
Supporting pharmacist independent prescribers in keeping their knowledge and skills up to date |
Customer and patient focus, Efficiency of processes, Leadership, Outcomes for patients, Responsiveness |
Principle 2. Staff |
2.2 |
The pharmacy encourages the ongoing learning and development of its team members. Each member of the prescribing team undergoes regular competency checks to ensure they have the skills and knowledge to prescribe safely. |
23/08/2021 |
Supporting vulnerable people in decision making |
Customer and patient focus, Governance, Outcomes for patients, Proactive approach, Responsiveness |
Principle 1. Governance |
1.8 |
The pharmacy uses respected guidance to help vulnerable people to make their own decisions about contraception. This includes assessing people’s ability to understand and agree to any contraceptive treatment. And it allows them to express their own wishes. |