Pharmacy context
This is a community pharmacy in Newcastle, Tyne and Wear. It serves the local community. The pharmacy sells a range of over-the-counter medicines and dispenses NHS prescriptions. The pharmacy offers a range of services including multi-compartment compliance packs.
Inspection summary findings
Principle 1. Governance
The pharmacy generally identifies and manages the risks associated with its services. The pharmacy asks people for their views. And it deals with complaints and uses feedback to improve the services. It keeps all the records it needs to by law to help evidence compliance with standards and procedures. The pharmacy looks after people’s private information. And the pharmacy team members know how to protect the safety of vulnerable people.
Principle 2. Staff
The pharmacy team members work within their skills and qualifications. But they did not demonstrate a good understanding of some of the procedures. This may mean that the team are not working consistently. The team do not receive regular performance reviews. And this may mean that gaps in their skills and knowledge are not identified and supported.
Principle 3. Premises
The pharmacy’s premises are suitable to provide its services safely. The pharmacy’s team appropriately manages the available space. The pharmacy was protected from unauthorised access.
Principle 4. Services, including medicines management
People with a range of needs can access the pharmacy’s services. The services are generally provided safely. But the team may not be identifying all people on high risk medicines such as valproate. This may mean that opportunities to provide people with appropriate counselling and advice are missed. The pharmacy gets its medicines from reputable suppliers. It responds appropriately to drug alerts and product recalls. It adequately sources and manages its medicines, so they are safe for people to use.
Principle 5. Equipment and facilities
Equipment required for the delivery of pharmacy services is stored appropriately and used in a way that protects the privacy and dignity of patients.
Pharmacy details
Ouseburn Point
26 Shields Road
What do the inspection outcomes mean?
After an inspection each pharmacy receives one overall outcome. This will be either Standards met or Standards not all met
The pharmacy has met all the standards for registered pharmacies | |
The pharmacy has not met one or more of the standards for registered pharmacies |
What do the summary findings for each principle mean?
The standards for registered pharmacies are made up of five principles. The pharmacy will also receive one of four possible findings for each of these principles. These are:
The pharmacy delivers an innovative service and benefits the whole community and performs well against the standards | |
The pharmacy delivers positive outcomes for patients and performs well against most of the standards | |
The pharmacy meets all the standards | |
The pharmacy has not met one or more standards |