Inspection outcome: Standards met
Last inspection: 11/04/2024
Pharmacy context
The pharmacy is in a business park close to Leeds City Centre. People access the pharmacy's services through its website and visit in person for pre-arranged appointments only. People can contact the team by telephone and email. The pharmacy dispenses NHS prescriptions and it supplies some medicines in multi-compartment compliance packs to help several people take their medication properly. And it delivers medicines to people’s homes. The pharmacy offers several private services including a travel clinic, where it provides travel advice and the administration of vaccines. It also provides a private COVID-19 vaccination service and an ear wax removal service.
Inspection summary findings
Principle 1. Governance
The pharmacy mainly identifies and manages the risks associated with its services. It has written procedures that the pharmacy team generally follows to help ensure they provide the pharmacy’s services safely. And it keeps the records it needs to by law. Team members suitably protect people’s confidential information, and they clearly understand their role to help protect vulnerable people. Team members respond appropriately when errors occur, they discuss what happened and they take action to prevent future mistakes. But they don’t always record their errors so they may miss opportunities to learn from their mistakes and reduce the risks of mistakes happening again.
Principle 2. Staff
The pharmacy has a small team with the appropriate range of experience and skills to provide its services. Team members work well together and are good at supporting each other in their day-to-day work. They have opportunities to complete training and are supported to take on new roles so they can suitably develop their skills and knowledge.
Principle 3. Premises
The pharmacy premises are appropriate for the services the pharmacy provides. And they are suitably clean, hygienic, and kept secure. The pharmacy’s website is clearly laid out and professional in appearance which helps ensure people accessing its services receive appropriate care.
Principle 4. Services, including medicines management
The pharmacy provides a range of services which help people to meet their healthcare needs. Team members manage the pharmacy services well to help make sure people receive medicines when they need them. They store medicines properly and they complete regular checks to make sure medicines are in good condition and suitable to supply. However, the team has not fully assessed the risks associated with providing valproate medicines outside of the manufacturer’s original packaging.
Principle 5. Equipment and facilities
The pharmacy has the equipment it needs to provide safe services and it uses its facilities to suitably protect people’s private information.
Pharmacy details
Unit 14
Unity Business Centre
26 Roundhay Road
What do the inspection outcomes mean?
After an inspection each pharmacy receives one overall outcome. This will be either Standards met or Standards not all met
The pharmacy has met all the standards for registered pharmacies | |
The pharmacy has not met one or more of the standards for registered pharmacies |
What do the summary findings for each principle mean?
The standards for registered pharmacies are made up of five principles. The pharmacy will also receive one of four possible findings for each of these principles. These are:
The pharmacy delivers an innovative service and benefits the whole community and performs well against the standards | |
The pharmacy delivers positive outcomes for patients and performs well against most of the standards | |
The pharmacy meets all the standards | |
The pharmacy has not met one or more standards |