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Pharmacy inspections

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Rifaray Pharmacy (9012176)

Inspection outcome: Standards met

Last inspection: 14/06/2024

Pharmacy context

The pharmacy is in an office block in Sidcup, Kent. It does not provide any NHS services but dispenses medications against private prescriptions. It also offers consultations with a pharmacist and provides services for a range of conditions such as vitamin B12 deficiency and earwax removal. It runs a specialist vaccination and travel clinic and offers other services including minor ailments, erectile dysfunction and hair loss using Patient Group Directions (PGDs).

Inspection summary findings

Principle 1. Governance

Standards met

The pharmacy manages risks well and keeps the records it needs to by law. Team members protect people’s information and have the relevant training to safeguard the welfare of vulnerable people using their services. People using the pharmacy’s services can easily provide feedback in several ways, and the pharmacy has procedures to minimise errors and learn from its mistakes. The pharmacy has written procedures to help team members deliver safe and effective services.

Principle 2. Staff

Standards met

The pharmacy has sufficient levels of staff for the services it provides and manages its workload safely. The team has the appropriate skill mix to ensure safe practice, and team members do additional training to help develop their skills. Team members can raise concerns if needed.

Principle 3. Premises

Standards met

The pharmacy is clean and tidy, and it has appropriate spaces for providing its services safely. The pharmacy premises are also safe, secure, and appropriately maintained.

Principle 4. Services, including medicines management

Standards met

The pharmacy suitably manages its healthcare services. It sources medicines from reputable suppliers and stores medicines appropriately. Team members know the right actions to take in response to safety alerts and recalls, but they do not keep a record of these. This could make it harder for the pharmacy to show what it has done to ensure medicines and medical devices are fit for purpose.

Principle 5. Equipment and facilities

Standards met

The pharmacy has the equipment and facilities it needs for the services it provides. It maintains its equipment so that it is safe to use and has adequate resources to provide information.

Pharmacy details

River House
1 Maidstone Road

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What do the inspection outcomes mean?

After an inspection each pharmacy receives one overall outcome. This will be either Standards met or Standards not all met

Met The pharmacy has met all the standards for registered pharmacies
Not all met The pharmacy has not met one or more of the standards for registered pharmacies

What do the summary findings for each principle mean?

The standards for registered pharmacies are made up of five principles. The pharmacy will also receive one of four possible findings for each of these principles. These are:

Excellent practice The pharmacy delivers an innovative service and benefits the whole community and performs well against the standards
Good practice The pharmacy delivers positive outcomes for patients and performs well against most of the standards
Standards met The pharmacy meets all the standards
Standards not all met The pharmacy has not met one or more standards