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Pharmacy inspections

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Elite Direct Pharma (9011655)

Inspection outcome: Standards met

Last inspection: 15/06/2022

Pharmacy context

The pharmacy is located in a small business park. It mainly specialises in the supply of aesthetic products, including botulinum toxins. It also supplies some medicines for weight loss. It makes supplies against private prescriptions and delivers them directly to prescribers and to aesthetics practitioners for people using their services. The premises has a small reception area, but people do not directly access pharmacy services from the premises, instead the pharmacy uses couriers to deliver its medicines.

Inspection summary findings

Principle 1. Governance

Standards met

The pharmacy generally identifies the risks associated with the services it provides and it takes some action to help manage them. But it doesn’t always undertake audits or monitoring to make sure it is providing its services safely. Pharmacy team members protect people’s private information, and they mostly keep the records they need to by law. They record mistakes they make so they can learn from them, to reduce the risks of similar mistakes in the future.

Principle 2. Staff

Standards met

Pharmacy team members have the appropriate qualifications and skills to provide the pharmacy’s services. They work well together and keep their knowledge up to date. The pharmacy supports ongoing training, and it listens to team members ideas to improve its services.

Principle 3. Premises

Standards met

The pharmacy premises are clean, secure and of a suitable size for the services provided. The pharmacy’s website clearly explains how it provides its services directly to healthcare professionals and this helps avoid confusion for the general public.

Principle 4. Services, including medicines management

Standards met

The pharmacy offers a limited range of services, supplying aesthetic products for individual patients. And it makes supplies to the practitioners who are going to administer them. The pharmacy team makes some checks to help make sure people receive suitable treatment. But it doesn't make thorough checks on the medicines it supplies for weight loss. So, it may not have the assurance that they are being used properly. 

Principle 5. Equipment and facilities

Standards met

The pharmacy has the equipment and facilities it needs to provide its services. It uses its equipment appropriately to protect people’s private information.

Pharmacy details

Unit 8, Guardian Point
Guardian Street

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What do the inspection outcomes mean?

After an inspection each pharmacy receives one overall outcome. This will be either Standards met or Standards not all met

Met The pharmacy has met all the standards for registered pharmacies
Not all met The pharmacy has not met one or more of the standards for registered pharmacies

What do the summary findings for each principle mean?

The standards for registered pharmacies are made up of five principles. The pharmacy will also receive one of four possible findings for each of these principles. These are:

Excellent practice The pharmacy delivers an innovative service and benefits the whole community and performs well against the standards
Good practice The pharmacy delivers positive outcomes for patients and performs well against most of the standards
Standards met The pharmacy meets all the standards
Standards not all met The pharmacy has not met one or more standards