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City Dock Pharmacy (9012156) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy doesn’t adequately manage the risks associated with its prescribing service. Some consultation notes for the prescribing service lack important information. The pharmacy does not have a robust prescribing policy in place and it does not complete any risk assessments for its prescribing service.

Develop a Comprehensive Prescribing
• Include guidelines on therapeutic
areas, prescribing formularies, and evidence-based treatment
protocols (e.g., referencing NICE
• Incorporate clear steps for
assessing patient eligibility and
managing risks.
Conduct Risk Assessments:
• Identify potential risks in all stages
of the prescribing process, from
consultation to dispensing.

03/01/2025 23/12/2024

The pharmacy cannot demonstrate that it regularly audits its prescribing service adequately to ensure its processes are effective at keeping people safe.

Establish Audit Schedule:
a. Perform quarterly audits of
prescribing records to
assess compliance with the
new policy.
b. Audit criteria:
completeness of records,
adherence to guidelines,
and safety of prescribed
2. Use External Review:Collaborate with an
external doctor or advisor
to review the first three
audits and provide
3. Documentation and Feedback:
a. Create a simple reporting
template for audits,
ensuring findings are
reviewed by the
b. Discuss audit outcomes in
team meetings to
encourage continuous
4. Implementation Timeline:
First audit to be completed
within 20 working days.
5. Evidence:
a. Submit audit schedules,
completed reports.

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The pharmacy does not always make sure that it makes supplies of prescription-only medicines against current Patient Group Directions. And the prescriber cannot adequately demonstrate that people’s regular prescribers are informed about prescribed medicines supplied through the pharmacy's private prescribing service.

Update and Reauthorize PGDs:
• For any medicines supplied under
PGDs. Review PGDs and ensurethey are up-to-date and signed off
by an authorized clinician.
Review Consultation Protocols:
• Ensure consultation notes include
all required information (e.g.,
weight, BMI for weight loss
medicines, area of travel for
malaria prophylaxis).
Enhance Communication with
Regular Prescribers:
• Obtain explicit patient consent to
share prescribing details with their
regular healthcare provider.
• Develop a standardized referral
form to inform GPs about
prescribed treatments.
Implementation Timeline:
• Referral system and consultation
checklists implemented within 20
working days.
• Evidence:
• Provide copies of completed
consultation checklists and referral

03/01/2025 23/12/2024