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Broadway Pharmacy with Cure Clinics (9012015) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

Controlled drug registers and private prescriptions are not kept in a format which meets the current requirements.

Separation of Controlled Drug (CD) and Prescription-Only Medicine (POM) Registers from Other Pharmacy Premises, Establishing Standalone Registers

These documents will meet legal requirements and procedural guidelines for the separation of Controlled Drug (CD) and Prescription-Only Medicine (POM) registers from other pharmacy premises, with the establishment of standalone registers.

Opening of Separate Pharmaceutical Wholesale Accounts to Segregate Stock Supplies from Other Pharmacy Premises

This sets forth the procedural guidelines and legal requirements for the establishment of separate pharmaceutical wholesale accounts, dedicated to the procurement and management of stock supplies, with the aim of ensuring clear segregation from other pharmacy premises.
Creation of a dedicated Responsible Pharmacist Log to clearly document and delineate the responsibilities and activities of the Responsible Pharmacist on duty, thereby reinforcing the separation of pharmacy operations.

27/12/2023 22/12/2023