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Pharmacy inspections

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Pinfold Pharmacy Limited (9010101) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy does not have written procedures for the team to follow when dispensing errors happen. The pharmacy does not keep records when things go wrong. And there are no arrangements for the pharmacy team members to report and learn from their own errors.

A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for recording dispensing errors and near misses will be developed and implemented as part of the update to the pharmacy’s existing SOPs – see also standard 1.6 actions. The SOP will be reviewed at 3 monthly intervals (or sooner if necessary) and a record will be made of the review even if no events have occurred during the period. All staff will be encouraged to report any errors that they identify in their work and these incidents be recorded as part of the newly adopted procedure

05/08/2019 15/10/2019

The pharmacy does not keep all the records it needs to by law. And it has not done for a long time. So, this may impact on patient safety.

All SOPs will be reviewed and updated. Any omissions (eg Error and Near Miss recording) will be addressed the new SOPs will be created. All staff will be given protected time to read the SOPs and the chance to question their content. Once staff are content that they understand the purpose of the SOPs and their roles in meeting the standards they will be asked to sign a dated record sheet. The process will be repeated annually or sooner if the need arises.

Appropriate measures for liquids will be ordered for the reconstitution of oral antibiotic powders

All records that the pharmacy is required to keep by law will be up to date. Previous omissions in this regard will be corrected as a matter of priority.

The restoration of documents relating to the pharmacy’s complaints procedure to the pharmacy’s website will be requested from The Pharmacy Centre by the end of July 2019

The Superintendent Pharmacist will undertake further Safeguarding training and all staff will undertake an annual training needs assessment to inform training requirements for the following 12 months

1. A delivery log will be established to track deliveries

The Responsible Pharmacist record will be reviewed and amendments made to ensure that it accurately reflects the time that the Responsible Pharmacist is at the premises.

05/08/2019 15/10/2019

The pharmacy does not safely store all of its patient returned medicines as it should by law. There is a risk the medication could be reused or not destroyed appropriately.

The SOP for Dispensing will be updated to make it a requirement that all patient returned material is dealt with within 7 days of the return. The facilities for the safe destruction of returned medicines will be reviewed and enhanced as required

05/08/2019 15/10/2019