Standard not met | Reason | Action being taken by the Pharmacy | By when | Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made |
2.1 | The pharmacy does not have enough team members to comfortably manage the workload. This leads to the pharmacy team working under pressure and stress. |
The regular pharmacist manager is on maternity and a full time dispenser who unfortunately no longer works at the pharmacy has led to us trying to recruit more staffing. A full time dispenser was meant to be starting and confirmed a few weeks ago and due to personal circumstances couldn’t start. This meant the recruitment process had to be restarted. With the current situation as well as the part time dispenser we’ve also got a part time MCA who is helping out. By next week we will have a full time dispenser starting and another part time dispenser to start who is currently working her notice period before she starts. This will allow the pharmacy to bring up to speed the backlog of work and minimise the stress levels. |
14/07/2020 | 30/06/2020 |
2.2 | Team members do not receive protected time to learn. And they are not given resources to help them develop. |
Once the staffing levels are back up to where they were staff are supported with training by the pharmacist and myself through verbal discussions, informal meetings and resources are emailed over for further learning. The pharmacist manager before would go over materials or any current changes within day to day practice at the start or end of the day through staff de-briefs. Staff will be aware of resources that are available through contacting myself or the pharmacist or directed through other channels such as websites, NHS choices, books and published guidance. |
14/07/2020 | 30/06/2020 |
4.4 | The pharmacy does not have a robust process for receiving alerts and recalls about defective medicines. |
Batch recalls was picked up through our pharmacy emails, via myself and through NHS updates. Therefore a batch recall folder has been made and the process of this will be reinforced again to all staff members. Two dispensers now also have active NHS emails to receive updates for learning or alerts for effective communication to be made and actioned which was carried out by the pharmacist beforehand. |
14/07/2020 | 30/06/2020 |
4.2 | The pharmacy does not make regular checks to ensure that its medicines are still suitable for supply. And it does not always dispose of returned medicines appropriately. |
Due to the changes in staffing a regular date checking has not been carried out recently. Once the staffing levels are maintained the date checking system will be enrolled out as a priority to ensure medicines are still suitable for supply. Date checking was always incorporated within the pharmacy tasks but due to staffing levels we have been behind and this will be caught up on as soon as possible. |
14/07/2020 | 30/06/2020 |