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Pharmacy inspections

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Burwash Pharmacy (1107887) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy doesn’t adequately identify and manage the risks associated with its prescribing service, particularly the prescribing and supply of medicines online. It hasn't undertaken a robust risk assessment before providing its services at a distance. And it hasn't considered and put in place appropriate measures to manage all the risks associated with the range of medicines it provides.

A risk assessment of the On-line Doctor service provided by Burwash Pharmacy was prepared on 25th June 2021

A further, more detailed risk assessment has now been carried out

29/09/2021 10/09/2021

The pharmacy sends medicines overseas and cannot demonstrate that it has appropriate indemnity insurance to cover this activity.

The pharmacy has stopped doing shipments to the US (the main overseas destination) mid-May and has now stopped doing international deliveries

15/09/2021 10/09/2021

The pharmacy doesn't monitor the safety and quality of its prescribing service, for example by doing regular clinical audits.

Clinical audit has been conducted in July and included over 30 patients

29/09/2021 11/10/2021

The pharmacy's record keeping for its prescribing service is poor; some records can be changed with no audit trail, and access to the prescribing system is not well controlled. So, the records don't provide a reliable record about the services provided to people. The pharmacy doesn't maintain a record of clinical decisions in relation to its prescribing service. The pharmacy doesn't always record private prescriptions it dispenses in line with requirements. And it doesn't ensure that private prescriptions it issues as part of its prescribing service contain all the required information.

- It is now possible to conduct an audit trail
- Access to prescribing systems is now controlled with each member of the team having a unique access to the online website systems
- The patient records are not editable
- The pharmacy now records clinical decisions in relation to its prescribing service in the notes field
- The pharmacy records private prescriptions electronically on the private prescription module on the Proscript system now
- Private prescriptions contain all the required information

29/09/2021 29/10/2021

The pharmacy’s websites allow people to choose a prescription-only medicine before a consultation with a prescriber. People filling in questionnaires on the website for some medicines are prompted when an answer would result in a request being rejected. And the pharmacy and prescriber aren't notified if people change their answers in this way. These weaknesses all increase the risk that people receive treatment which is not clinically appropriate.

The system is being configured so that the patient cannot choose a prescription only medicine immediately.

The system is being configured so that patients are not prompted when an answer would result in a request being rejected.

The questionnaires have been amended by the IT team so that a person’s answers are no longer able to be edited by the prescriber once the questionnaire has been submitted

24/11/2021 29/10/2021

The pharmacy doesn’t always provide its prescribing service safely, particularly the prescribing and supply of medicines online. It doesn’t proactively inform people’s regular doctor after they receive a treatment for conditions which require ongoing monitoring. It doesn’t always make sure people understand how to use the medicines it supplies. And it doesn’t routinely check the identification of people ordering prescription-only medicines online. This increases the risks of supplying medicines to people who are underage or when not clinically appropriate.

Apart from salbutamol, none of the medication on the online prescribing system are considered high risk, requiring ongoing monitoring.

The questionnaires for all medications on the online medicines service ask consent to contact the patient’s GP, if consent is given, then the GP will be contacted. Consent to contact the patient’s GP will be mandatory, otherwise a supply will not be made.

On the asthma questionnaire it is now mandatory to give GP details.

Complete directions will be written on the labels for medicines dispensed from the prescribing service.

Identity checking is now installed so the system will not allow underage patients to have the medication.

The questionnaires have information on the patient medical history, concurrent medication.

29/09/2021 29/10/2021