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Safeer Pharmacy (1107825) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

A full set of standard operating procedures are not available at the pharmacy.

The pharmacy SOPs were in the process of being reviewed since the last update in 2017. The current SOPs have been updated since 14/06/21 and are now in place.

21/12/2021 09/12/2021

The pharmacy's records often lack details or have information missing, and it does not maintain appropriate controlled drug registers.

Private prescription prescriber addresses are logged with their respective CQC identifiers.
Going forward the CD running balance is being recorded and a procedure is in place for periodic balance checks.
A “Controlled Drugs – Destruction Register for Returned Medicines” is in place for the recording of patient returned sch. 2 CDs and their destruction.

21/12/2021 09/12/2021

The locum pharmacist does not have an appropriate NHS pass to access people’s healthcare information. This means the information is being accessed without appropriate controls and audit trails.

Locum pharmacists are reminded to ensure they bring their NHS smart cards to the workplace and keep them on person at all times.

07/12/2021 09/12/2021

The pharmacy cannot demonstrate that its support staff are suitably trained.

Current support staff have previously completed NPA Level 2 NVQ Medicine Counter Assistant course units and are currently enrolled on and undertaking GPhC accredited training.

21/12/2021 09/12/2021