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Pharmacy inspections

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Buckden Pharmacy (1100683) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy does not maintain accurate records of controlled drugs and records do not always contain all the required information.

- Fill in all missing information from pages of the CD register
- Ensure entries for CDs are made in the register within the required timescales
- Make sure regular balance checks of CDs are completed

05/09/2024 19/09/2024

Some team members have not been enrolled on the required training courses to ensure they have the right skills for their role.

- Enrol all staff on their relevant courses

05/09/2024 19/09/2024

Some areas of the pharmacy are disorganised, cluttered and dirty. This increases the risk of dispensing mistakes happening.

- All benches to be cleared
- Reduce stock on shelves by reducing ordering quantities to declutter
- Clean dirty areas and flooring and implement cleaning schedule.

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The consultation room is disorganised and there is confidential information accessible to people in the room. In it's current state, it is not a suitable space for providing pharmacy services.

-Bring the consultation room up to the required standard
- Remove all stock from the consultation room
- Carry out thorough cleaning and remove all confidential information

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The pharmacy does not always manage medicines and medicinal products correctly. So cannot always ensure they are safe to supply to people. Dispensary shelves are overstocked and over full. Fridge temperatures are not always kept within the required range. Some food supplements are stored in a non-controlled environment. And the pharmacy does not have robust date-checking processes to ensure date-expired medicines are separated from in-date stock.

- Implement a process to ensure the fridge temperatures are measured daily
- Replace fridge to one with built in temperature measuring facility.
- Remove any food supplements that are stored in non controlled environment
- sign all PGDs for services offered
- carry out sodium valproate risk assessment for supplies made outside of original packs
- Implement a date checking log with signatures for evidence of date checking with different areas of pharmacy
- Sign up to Pharmasmart for live alerts checking and near miss recordings and end of the month evaluations

05/09/2024 19/09/2024