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Pharmacy inspections

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Haydon Bridge Pharmacy Ltd (1095023) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy doesn't adequately identify and manage all risks associated with the services it provides. This includes the risks relating to the way it manages the area where team members dispense medicines. And how it manages and stores some medicines. The team doesn't follow some key written procedures to ensure services are always safely provided.

Clear clutter and stock from upstairs and downstairs dispensary.

Review key SOP’s with team

15/07/2022 15/07/2022

The pharmacy does not keep adequate or up-to-date records of its controlled drugs.

New register started from date of inspection.

To go through registers retrospectively to complete.

01/07/2022 15/07/2022

Not all areas of the pharmacy are in a suitable condition for the team and the services it provides. Areas where team members dispense are untidy and excessively cluttered. This increases risk of mistakes being made and creates a significant tripping hazard.

Clear clutter and excess stock both upstairs and downstairs to reduce risk of mistakes and tripping

15/07/2022 15/07/2022

The pharmacy doesn’t adequately store or appropriately manage all its medicines. It doesn't receive and manage its medicines from wholesalers in the most appropriate way. And it doesn't have robust processes to identify out-of-date medicines. It stores some medicines outside of their original packaging, without proper labelling. And so, the pharmacy cannot make the necessary checks to ensure these medicines are suitable to supply to people.

More team members to put orders away at anyone time.

Orders to be put away from the downstairs dispensary

Destroy any medication that is not in appropriate packaging.

Review procedures and training for date checking.

15/07/2022 15/07/2022

The pharmacy doesn't always use its facilities in a way that protects people's private information.

All boxes moved to a more secure area of the pharmacy.

Team briefed on the importance of handing patients private information securely

01/07/2022 15/07/2022